Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have noticed on the new Mathmos website that it says they can sell worldwide, I really wish they would step up and give LavaWorld a punch to the face, go to court if they have to and see what the courts say. Im quite sick of LavaWorld protecting their sad products and wish Mathmos could have a US dealer. I know about electricplanet which I give major props to for shipping to the US, I just wish it was alittle cheaper on the shipping end which is not their fault.

If you read the 3rd paragraph under the 1963-1988 page it says it all...

"The product was manufactured in Poole, Dorset, as it still is today, and sold all over the world in large numbers. Mr. Walker also sold a licence to manufacture and sell his invention in the USA to an American company, Haggerty, in 1966 for the duration of the patent. All patents have now expired and all companys are free to sell their product all over the world"

I know LavaWorld was behind "plushpod" being stopped from selling the Fluidium in the US. I wonder why nobody will stand up to them and just give them a kick. The patent is over, expired, done. Time for a regular dealer of Mathmos products in the US. LavaWorld continues to release garbage products and it seems like they are trying to clear their junk from the warehouse before they file bankrupcy and finally disappear....we can only hope.

Thoughts and comments please...


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I think LL got that good kick in the ass when they came here to get our feedback and then they got their asses kicked off of OG lol. But either way I'm pretty stoked about Mathmos starting to sell to the U.S. now. We've been wanting this for a long time. I think they'll just sell directly from their site rather then spawn off new shops and warehouses etc. or at least until it catches on more and the demand becomes large enough to expand.


lol @ Autumn

The new line is coming this summer. I've seen the new line of 52 oz lamps and I'm pretty excited about those, nice new colored bases as well as a few new globe colors. And from the looks of it, they listened to some of us here when they were around. Either way the more lava the merrier.



Bohdan said:

LL has been quite lately. I have been to many stores that carry there models and they are just sitting there covered with dust. I just bought a few LL 8z Starships for a project I am doing they cost $8.00 each WOW how low can they go.

Mathmos we are waiting for your invasion all is quite here on the front in the states.





I reckren they will start shipping direct from the UK but if there is a lot of interest in Australia and it makes sense for them then they would probably open a warehouse.
According to Mathmos' facebook they opened their Australia store today, and the USA store will be open next month.
Based on Australian pricing ($99.95) that translates to $109 USD. A little disappointed in pricing! We'll see what the US pricing will be like.
That doesnt include shipping either which will bring the total to $125. It costs $125 to buy an Astro from electric planet. If they dont change the price, we will still be paying ridiculous prices. This is speculation of course.

Erin said:
Based on Australian pricing ($99.95) that translates to $109 USD. A little disappointed in pricing! We'll see what the US pricing will be like.
At that price they should be flying off the shelves like lead zeppelins.

Erin said:
Based on Australian pricing ($99.95) that translates to $109 USD. A little disappointed in pricing! We'll see what the US pricing will be like.

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