Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Another great member appears to have suddenly disappeared off OG overnight !

Are we Goo-heads being abducted by Aliens ?

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Some threads arre being abducted with them. A fairly innocuous one was taken down yesterday.
If these aliens have four breasts I hope they abduct me next.
lol you may need 4 hands there Jimbo so i hope they swing by and get me too lol

Jim said:
If these aliens have four breasts I hope they abduct me next.
People come and go around here, its just how a public forum works. All the recent members who left, all left by choice.

You get the breasts that shoot lasers from the nipples and I get the the pair that are as large as watermelons.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

lol you may need 4 hands there Jimbo so i hope they swing by and get me too lol

Jim said:
If these aliens have four breasts I hope they abduct me next.
laser gun jubblees? grooooooooovy baby!
Rose tint my world and keep me safe from this trouble and pain....

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