Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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Desperately wanting to add Toady to my collection I was so excited to see that auction.  The excitement lasted a whole 5 seconds.  Blacking out some of the teeth - really?
exactly! I've seen noobed up lamps before with like stickers etc. but marker? NO NO NO
It can probably be removed with goo gone.
can goo gone remove permanent marker?
The description on the side says it can dissolve just about anything made out of oil. If I remember right is specifically mentions permanent marker.
well i'll have to give that a whirl.
Maybe thats the crack head version of Toady. He would look pretty pimp if they painted that tooth gold :)
Yeah, just grab it and Goo Gone it. 'Course...$70...? I dunno, is that the going rate for Toady?

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