Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well here we go. Saturday night excitement!


As I received it Wednesday:


Globe is in bad shape and stuck in the base. Took some WD40 to get it out. Cap is flaking.




What decade do you think this spider is from?

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Jim (Lamphead) recommends Dawn dish soap (the original blue colored Dawn) to clean out the globe. Looks like that's on my list tomorrow...

Right now the globe is filled with Jungle Jake's de-greaser. I can still see the residue on he inside of the globe where it was sticking. Will post back tomorrow. 

When I clean a globe I use the hottest tap water and that alone melts the wax away. Then scrub with Dawn and a brush, final rinse with RO/bottled water. Never had sticking issues on anything.


If you go to a pet store look for a filter brush for a Marineland HOT Magmun canister filter, they are like $2.99 and fit the Consort globes very well. Petco, Petland etc carries them.


I did indeed do that, but you can see a clear residue on the inside of the globe where the wax was sticking. 


Thanks for the brush tip. I'll pick one up today. 

LampHead said:

When I clean a globe I use the hottest tap water and that alone melts the wax away. Then scrub with Dawn and a brush, final rinse with RO/bottled water. Never had sticking issues on anything.


If you go to a pet store look for a filter brush for a Marineland HOT Magmun canister filter, they are like $2.99 and fit the Consort globes very well. Petco, Petland etc carries them.


I have always used Brakleen to clean globes and have never had an issue (outside of a solid buzz).  My Hot Rocks Tiki was in especially bad shape and Brakleen fixed her right on up.
Thanks for the tip!

Jim said:
I have always used Brakleen to clean globes and have never had an issue (outside of a solid buzz).  My Hot Rocks Tiki was in especially bad shape and Brakleen fixed her right on up.

All fluid and wax removed to other container. Wax is now sticking to THIS container. LOL



The degreaser (full strength Jungle Jake) is seeming to work on getting the residue off the inside of the Capri globe:

Lava is now enjoying movement in its new, temporary home:

look at the little spider hanging out on your bottle...your little assistant
LOL, that looks like a NASA project gone wrong!

Erin said:

Lava is now enjoying movement in its new, temporary home:

It does, doesn't it! 


The fluid isn't clearing up at all, but I'm continuing to cycle it several times a day. 

Hopefully it will work out.  I hate dumping old lava, in fact I have a few globes that probably should be emptied but I don't want to give up on them, lol

Erin said:

It does, doesn't it! 


The fluid isn't clearing up at all, but I'm continuing to cycle it several times a day. 

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