Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anyone know anything about these lamps? I can't seem to find anything about them. I saw one for sale and I have a perfect spot for it but I would like to know a little about it.   Thanks

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wow never seen anything like that before,
I've seen a few of those around here before... no idea who made them though.
They were a China made product from 1999-2000. They were sold at places like Costco and Kmart.
They're pretty cool (for a China)

Home depot has a "55-inch floor lava lamp" in clear/black and clear/pink. I've been thinking about ordering one; they are online only. I think they also have glitter floor lamps.$71 doesn't seem too bad.


Home Depot floor lava lamp link

Thies look quite good for a china lamp and from the pictures i have seen of it the globe quality is good the only issue I have heard is that it is top heavy so weights will be needed in the base to keep it stable.

That looks a lot better then the ones on uk ebay which are yellow / green and have a silver base.

Well it looks like I may be to late. It was only $15.00 but over 60 miles away so I couldn't make it untill tomorrow.


Thanks for the info.   I'll have to check into the lamp at HD.  

I have one of these and to be quite honest, it scares the crap out of me.  The glass on the globe seems awfully thin to me.  Banished to the basement.  I didn't say they can't be fun though - especially if you have a Mathmos Fireflow available.  Do not attempt this at home.  I user who used to belong to this site tried the same and wound up with a shattered globe.  http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/fireflow-on-steroids

Josh Needham said:

Home depot has a "55-inch floor lava lamp" in clear/black and clear/pink. I've been thinking about ordering one; they are online only. I think they also have glitter floor lamps.$71 doesn't seem too bad.


Home Depot floor lava lamp link

I have two of the floor lamps (not the 55" one) and they are kinda cool  as a floor lamp. I had to use S 11 25 watt bulb because the 40 watt was over heating the lava. I also have the table lamp version with glitter.
Wal-Mart sold the torchiere lamps too. They came in black w/ lava (red/violet) or silver w/ glitter (blue liquid). The switch goes lamp, uplight, both, off. I have the lava model, it's fairly well-made and the lava flows fairly well.
Can you post a picture of it (running) - all the pics i have seen of them have eather been of them off or photo-shoped


There is a video on the first review.




Tim Gill said:

Can you post a picture of it (running) - all the pics i have seen of them have eather been of them off or photo-shoped

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