Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I would like to know if anyone had tried using Crayola Crayons, Paraffin, and Perc combined to make Goo? 


I got the idea after following several posts on making "Goo" and people trying to make goo using crayons.  After following The Retro Formula and getting a lamp to work successfully I took the goo and decided to tint it with wax tint.  Looked good, but lacked that solid wax we see in the bottle.  So, after gentle rocking, and tipping of one of my Lava Lamp globes I watched as to how the solid mass of wax at the bottom reacted.  First, it always gently sunk to the bottom when tipped.  It sounded and felt solid when shook.  And the color and sheen was pretty rich when kept out of the water.


I took a piece of crayon, dropped it water, it sunk.  Took a piece of paraffin, dropped it in water, it floated.  I took a moment and thought, "What if I combined the two, and used the Perc as a binder?"


So, after reading a few discussions on crayons, I melted some down just to see how flaky these things get in water when heated.  No, surprises -- very flaky (crumbly would be a better word)!  What the crayons needed was some moisture or something smoother to mix with so that it wasn't so brittle.  I mixed in an equal part Paraffin and it seemed to thicken and smooth everything out.  Not only that, but I noticed that the mixture brought the boiling (melting) point down as well.  After adding small doses of Perc and dropping the hot wax (not piping hot, but an operating lamp hot) into warm water I found I'd added about the same amount of Perc as I did Paraffin, and Crayon, until the wax sank.


I closed up the mason jar and opened it up tonight to find the wax had cooled to nice solid chunk.


I'm going to fire things up tomorrow a few hours before work and see what will happen.     

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Interesting. I believe Lava Lite did get their wax from Crayola at some point before they moved production to China. 

I want to do wax experiments myself, but haven't had the time yet. 

Do keep us posted! 

Crude, but functional!  After the first test I found that I'd cooked off excess crayon and paraffin.  The excess paraffin remained at the top after I'd turned off the lamp and the crayon crumbs (sediment) fell to the bottom.  However, after a little encouragement the excess paraffin broke lose from the top and fell to the bottom (just like that little hunk always does in any other lamp). 


It seems like I'm almost refining this goo as I continue to test (cycle) the mix.  I feel as though a little more Perc and less crayon and I just may have real working Lava.  I may shoot for 2 parts Paraffin, 1 part Crayola Crayon, and 1 part Perc.


One thing to keep in mind during this whole process is I'm using no salt, no dish soap, and just plain tap water.


One last thing during observation, I can see how the water gets cloudy.  With just the right amount of movement and impatience you can cloud the water very quickly.  This time I kept my cool and let time, heat, and gravity take control.  

do you have any photos?? this does sound so interesting and imagine the unique colors that could be created...


I'll have a few photos up as soon as I can.  I think what's happened is I've created a base color.  Think of it like making paint or painting a car.  You need a base color to start with then add the tint you like to make it richer and darker in color.  The way it stands now this Goo reminds me of a knock off I'd bought a few months ago (see my other comments) in the way it acts and moves.


One other thing to keep in mind is this all done with a 4 quart mason jar and my base from a Wizard Lamp.  There's WAY too much Goo in there for the amount of water I'd put in (or the accurate amounts of ingredients for that matter) but if I can get just basic movement and operation that's all I need to know what I need to do next.


I'll try and get some more Perc for a third test before I leave for work tomorrow.


Again, if anyone you know or if you yourself are trying this, please give me shout and let me know what happened. 

trial and error... but its cool.. you actually learn so much more...

I am a painter so mixing colors is so up my alley..

so curious about the metallic crayons..

where are you heating and melting the crayons.. like chocolate in a double boiler or micro.. *I dont own a microwave.. dont laugh.. I dont want one ever...

and are you using crayola or other brand.

I know different crayons are made different.. I am waiting on delivery of my first goo kit now... I have a little hoard of different dyes and markers and now crayons to experiment with..

cant wait to see your photos



Let me correct myself from my last post (very long week at work).  I'm mixing this all in a 4 CUP MASON JAR.  Not a 4 quart (that'd be a mini-colossus, cool to try but not just yet!)  Simply take a pot, fill it part way with water, take your mason jar, put your ingredients in it and put it in the pot.  Turn the burner knob up to 5 (yours might heat hotter or cooler) and bring your water up to a simmer.  Use a stirring stick to mix it all up.  Use an oven mitt to hold your jar when you pull it out to cool off.  Set it on a trivet seal it up and walk away until it solidifies.  Don't use a microwave.  The door just gets in your way!  


For right now, I'm going with Crayola.  Simply because I have kids, and kids break crayons.  These are all the broken pieces in reds (and I have yellows, browns, blues, etc.) to play with.  


I think there was a metallic in there and I can see bits of the metal flake in the wax but to get the full effect you'd have to buy umpteen packs to get it to look and work right.


Here's an interesting pic I found on e-bay right now.  This is the cap on a Mathmos lamp.  It's also the ingredient label.


-love the label.. harmless -----basically  so is Mc Donalds...

so question do you melt the crayons into the base or melt them and then add base.?

goodness I am on edge to see your photos...

I stuck a crap newer bottle in fridge this morning. I am gonna totally go for it and try things i would be terrified to do to a good bottle.. might well have some fun till my kit gets here.. kicking my butt for holding up on my filter.. think i will go ahead and order it in this weekend.. been trying to find a deal on one.. at least the one i want..

wonder what would turn out mixing silver crayon with a color., I notice that my green metallic.. when cool seems silver on bottom of bottle....

harmless -----basically  so is Mc Donalds...

Well its says harmless but I am not too sure, the newer lamps now are much safer then the vintage italian glitters whih were filled with solvent - thies were defuntly harmfull. 

That label was made up - there is some truth in it but I am sure Mathmos uses a long list of ingredents in there mix.


I got the pictures.  Granted this is nothing spectacular, but showing proof you can indeed use crayons.  I'll walk you through each pic and tell you what happened and when.  Keep in mind from the last post that I'd added some more Perc to the mix to keep more of the wax at the bottom.  Also, this morning when I looked at what had completely cooled, there was still excess Paraffin hanging at the top, perhaps I'll take it and put it in a Ziploc and use it for something else later.  Also a taller vessel is going to be needed.  Too hot too quick!  You'll see what happened after 4 hours in the last pic.  Let's start the show:


First pic- Elapsed time of 30 minutes.  You'll see the blob in the background just sitting.  Nothing really exciting.  Notice some wax stuck on the top of the water.


Second pic- Elapsed time of 1 hour.  The infamous blob hangs at the top.  But look at bottom wax.  It's beginning to dome.


Third pic- Elapsed time of 1 and half hours.  I nudged the blob off the top and got everything together.  I gave it some time and nothing really happened after an hour.  So, I fed it some salt water to lighten things.  Go to the next post to see what happened next.  


Then this happened!  Everything lifted off!  Looked almost similar to a 100% Crayon and Perc mix but not in a solid mass.


Fifth pic- Elapsed time of 2 hours 15 minutes.  Things settled down.  Look what's happening!


Sixth pic- Just moments later.  Things stayed that way for a while. 


The next post shows what happens after 4 hours.




Here's things after 4 hours.  See what I mean about running way too hot?  I should have started that salt about an hour or so into the experiment.  So, here's what I'll try next.  I'm going to remove some of the Goo (still a little grainy) and put a 25 Watt bulb in to heat it.  I'll see what happens then and perhaps adding a touch more Perc.  The only thing that I also may want to try is pouring the hot mix of wax through a fine screen or cheesecloth to remove any impurities.


To answer the question:  Yes this was all mixed in the jar.  I'd heat the wax up, then take it out of the boiling pot, and pour in my Perc and stir.  One thing I have going for me is I have recycling bins right next to my house.  You'd be surprised as to the different types of clear and green glass bottles and jars thrown out.


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