Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Last night Autumn and I were comparing and discusssing bottle color codes. Well today I went and checked my clear/ yellow and clear/ red to see what codes I had out of curiosity. To my suprise I discovered a bottle code stamp mistake.

As you can see I included photos of cap and bottle

I have a few purple/ yellows even one pretty faded..I can not see how this bottle is just old or faded from purple     it does not even look clear     it actually does have Yellow  tinged Water and Bright Yellow Wax

I was thinking maybe it was clear/yellow that the dye leaked.. but still a problem with the numbers

Was there ever a history of Lava Lite caps being occasionally misprinted and what of the yellow / yellow.

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i think it is a purple yellow fade.

Is it possible for it to clear this much.. and what of the yellow tinge..just the lava reflection inside the bottle ? I suppose in my mind i would expect it to have a tinge of lavender or pinkish at least ..


Some purples did have fading problems, I have one just like it.

well ... cool.. and thanks for the visual..even if your visual makes me want to cry with goo envy  lol

I will categorize this one with my mutant bottles..

thank you all for the help..


I believe purple and blue liquid are easy to fade. 

VERY easy to fade. I faded my Grande & dyed the liquid neon green.


interesting idea.. I do like the faint yellow tinge but neon green could be interesting also...

is yours reactive now ?

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