Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

As much as I am fascinated by Lava Lamps, I just don't seem to have any interest in Lava's cousin, the Glitter Lamp. I was wondering how many other Lava fans also share those same feelings. Please don't hate me; I just want to hear people's opinions on the topic.

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I agree. I did buy the USB Lava glitter lamps. Only because they did not have a real lava one. They remain in storage for nostalgia.

Anyways, glitter lamps just seem really cheap to me. It's one of those things that screams CHEAP CHINA JUNK - COME AND GET IT.. no offense to those that collect them. I just don't find them entertaining or fun. They are easy to make, simple and mass produced. Just search ebay.

I would much rather watch the blobs of goo explode any day over glitter-rama - BORING. I have noticed that many women (not to be sexist - just illiterate observations) seem to covet the glitter lamps and buy them off of ebay regularly.
Not that i haven't very occasionally seen a glitter lamp that made me go 'ooooh', but for the most part i prefer lava anyday...
OK I take it back, you won me over! Nice, Nice, Nice stuff!!
I dunno. The glitter lamps seem like glorified water globes. Lol. Granted the colors and sparkle is amazing - it's just not my taste :)

That's why they made/make so many different ones!
I haven't really seen any of the vintage glitter lamps in motion, so I can't comment on their flow. Most of the stuff that I've seen in places like Target and Spencer's looks really cheap. I'm not a serious collector of Lavas; I just love to watch them. I wouldn't buy something that doesn't reach out to me just to get the "complete set", or bother about keeping the boxes and packing material in pristine condition for collector value.

I am more of a serious collector of old Nintendo games, but I still wouldn't buy games I don't like just to have them, etc...

Thanks for the discussions, people!
I viewed your image; those are gorgeous, esp the brass lantern-style ones.

Still though, I probably couldn't stare at them and get lost for hours like I do with Lava.
I think if instead of glitter, if it was hundreds of tiny aliens or UFOs, or other random trinkets that had almost the same density of the fluid, it would make it more interesting to stare into the globe...
I have really gotten hooked on Wii's Virtual Console, as of late...
I dont really like the glitter lamps, as they seem to be more 'uniform' in their display, unlike lava lamps, you pretty much know exactly how they are going to look in say, an hours time.

Lava lamps also seem more like science to me.

If people like glitter and lava, why not try to get your hands on a Mathmos Glitterball?
Lava, but with glitter in it! now, I could go for that.
They made a silver one, where the glitter was so small the lava looked like mercury! cool!
The other colours (i think) had larger 'chunks' of glitter in the lava.
Good question.

I love both lava and glitter formulae but I do think lava is more 'interesting' although glitter can be just as, if not more so, pretty, especially on a cold dank night like we have here often in the UK espeically in Fall/Winter and early Spring. I like my glitter lamps to be REALLY glittery!
I like older glitters. New ones, not so much. The only recent glitter I LOVED (I do like Wizard glitters) was the Hot Rock sold by Target - same globe as the Link'd (chain link, double globe) Spencers lamp. Big, big foil squares with medium-speed action, sparkly enough to throw moving patterns on the walls. The 70s and 80s Lava brand GemLites were like this - in addition, they came with a four-color sticker that could be placed on the bottom of the globe, making the action turn into vivid, random blue, green, pink and gold.

The 70s French glitters are fun just because of their unusual and varied base designs. Most of them also have big, fast-moving sparkly squares, though a few have long, thin threadlike glitters, or small round ones similar to the hexagonal Wizard glitters. Looking through my folder of saved images, I see round, oval, trapezoidal, square and rectangular globes, as well as textured glass ones and a spherical one. Bases range from steel columns with brushed, polished, textured or painted finishes, with round, oval, flame-shaped, rectangular etc. openings to reveal the globe. One has random "cheese holes", another has cut-outs that look like dripping wax. Other bases include plastic in a myriad of colors, some with ashtrays built into their caps, and bases made from wood, marble, granite and glass. Every day, it seems, I spot another that I would not have believed existed without photographic proof. Most French and Italian glitters have clear liquid, silver glitter, and colors painted under the bottom, but models with red, orange or golden liquid exist, as well as clear liquid with brightly colored glitter.

Y'know... I really should post my collection of French glitter photos on the site. Keep a lookout, and you'll soon see why these can be as fun as the odd bases Lava brand did in the 60s and 70s.

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