Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We used to do this on the New Beetle forum I was a member of for years and it was really fun. 

Let's see if there's enough interest in one first and if so, we'll iron out the details. Esp. if we have non-US members who'd like to participate. 


Count me as a YES! :D

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I am in, will there be something like a price limit?
Yes, there will be. I'd like to keep it fair, so I'm thinking a max of $20 or so.
fair enough - in that case count me in

Erin said:
Yes, there will be. I'd like to keep it fair, so I'm thinking a max of $20 or so.
Sounds like a good idea but it could be pricey sending gifts overseas if others (non-US) participate.

..Oh and are we talking maybe lava - centric gifts or any random stuff? I guess the latter.


Our friends Mathmos do some nice stocking fillers at very reasonable prices as probably do, other similar manufacturers of a shared interest.

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