It's my own stupid fault. I see cheap lamps and I get excited. Every single one I bring home is disappointing. I don't know why I even bother. If I get one that's clear, the flow is crap (well, they all flow like crap). Residue on the bottom. Residue on the inside of the glass. Horrible flow. Cloudy. Hazy. Overheats quickly.
They're all getting returned...except one I'm keeping to test out pinholes on the base.
My very first "new" China Lava Lite. Got this summer of 2010. It didn't flow. Returned it the next day.
Next up, my China blue/white. Sent the base to Mike (blindfaith) this week. Globe is clear, flow is boring:
I think we all remember this one. I wrote up a huge thread about it. What a shame. Returned for full refund to Lava Lite.
Orange/black 52oz. Horribly cloudy. Residue on inside. It was nasty to look at.
Exchanged for this:
^^ This one is clear, but has gunk in the coil/wax, which I just discovered this week:
Bought five of these for $8/each. The blue/white wouldn't stick to the coil, the purple/red was so cloudy you couldn't see through it. I returned those two. I might keep the remaining three for experiments or glitter, but they are pretty depressing to look at (pretty awful flow):
Lastly, I purchased this at Target last week. A little hazy, residue on the inside and the flow, well, you know the story...
I know I'm an idiot for even buying them, and it's weird how I try and justify keeping them ("well, they're not THAT bad" or "I could use this for parts") but that's a pretty sad reason to keep something that you don't like.
I've been running these off and on all weekend and each time I look at them, they just disappoint me.
No point to this thread...just wanted to share my thoughts. Friends don't let friends buy Lava Lite, right? ;)
Views: 7160
I think my Blak/Clear is one of those China Lava Lite but im not sure
are you abel to post a picture of the cap and the package
And i wonder why, have Lava Lite somthing to say about it?
My lamp is from 2007 but it was the only i could get at that time :(
Well i bought my 2 Lava Grandes last year around november.. They were really bad quality .. I got the one of my grandes running as i wanted to after a lot of filtering and flow optimization, but still a little cloudy ... I have given up on the other one though..
Your best bet of getting a LavaLite lamp is either to get one that is USA made or get a China lamp, and then prepare yourself to gookit it .. Else stick to mathmos, as their quality is much better than the LavaLites when talking about new lamps ..
Those are the same company, but about 30+ years apart. Lava Lite quality went downhill around the early 2000s. New Lava Lite lamps are not the best quality. Older Lava Lite lamps from the year 2000 and before are better quality and will have a nicer flow to them.
To learn more about Lava Lite, check our our Lava Library here:
Ture-DK said:
We got alot of Mathmos around i Danmark but funny not any who
sell those lamps i want but im so confused right now about the
quality of new lamps (2011) and who made those i want
This is the brands i was thinking were the best but am i right or
wrong here
Erin, found this older thread. You should read my newer posts about my trip to Spencer's and my attempt at "trying to replace my Neon Purple. I just gave up and got a different one. I should of just have gotten my money back and went ebay'ing looking for more vintage stuff!!! I was so depressd at this lamp last nite I couldn't even sleep. Got up this am, took my daughter to work and back up to Spencer's!!!
So much for them improving.
Erin, I noticed you had a pink/white. What do you think of yours and did you end up keeping it? I exchanged my purple neon for what I "thought" was going to be pink liquid/white lava and now that it oozing the lava is clear. Does it get more whiter as it runs more? Kind of different though....
I either returned or sold the pink/white. I think it was actually purple/white though. Yes, they will lose their wax transparency as they run more. The lava will go opaque.
Thanks Erin! I am kind of really liking this one!!! It only took me about 7 to find a decent one!! Did you read my Spencer's post? OMG, the purple neon globes were trashed!! I told the retail guy, "I hope you aren't gonna attempt to sell those to anyone"? I know how aggravated I was when I got home, fired it up and big disappointment. But I am starting to like this one. Tomorrow and the next day I get my ebay vintage ones so that'll be it for awhile, but I think i'm done with Spencer's for awhile. I just hope this intense heat we are having now doesn't ruin the lamps in shipment. Hopefully not since they are usa......
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