Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm about to do my first kit, and they recommend a dimmer switch. Dose anyone if a bulb with less wattage will work? And if so what watt for a 52 oz?

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I think it's kinda hard to do GooKits for 32oz and 52oz lamp. Your best best is a dimmer. 52 and 32oz. lamps run on a 40W bulb and there's no such thing as a 35 or 30W bulb. 25W isn't hot enough. 

I have done a few 32oz. GooKits and they overheat quickly on 40W. 

Good luck! 

I have gookited a fue smaller lamps - a 16oz, Jet, peace lamp etc they are ok gookited but will over heat. - The best thing to do is to put them on a dimmer, put it on full at start and when it starts to flow dim it down to a good flow.

Hears my gookited lavender 16oz

That's cool! So they do work well on a dimmer?

I haven't achulie brought any dimmer's yet but I am sure they would do as gookited lamps work on a lower power / heat.

Currently for my gookit lamps at the I just turn them off when they are overheating and may turn them back on when they have cooled.

Lol that's what I do when my stock LL start to over heat. Whatever works I say. Thanks

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