Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Can anyone tell me if the colored liquid from lava brand lamps will work with goo kits? 

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You could try but I don't think it would work well or at all.
You just need DI water with Goo kits and some food colouring to colour the water if you want to.

Use McCormick food coloring to change the color of the water. You can find it at any grocery store.

Thanks for all the help! Also in How to walk thru of goo kits, u said u can add color to the wax while it's flowing. How is that done? Or did I misread? 

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Use McCormick food coloring to change the color of the water. You can find it at any grocery store.

Mixed the dye that way with my violet Grande.  Works great, and yes, I agree, it takes a while to mix in.  Don't rush adding more!!

From doing plenty of gookits I've learned that if you premix your dye before you dump it into a globe, you don't always get the color you want. Gookit wax tends to be more transparent then other formulas like LL or Mathmos so more light shines thru the wax. For example I have a grande teal goo kit (whats suppose to be teal) When its cold it looks greenish/teal, but when running it's red almost purplish in color with green outlines, it's cool looking but not what I was going for. So the best way is like Spence and Wile mentioned, to mix the dye while it's running. You just have to be patient with the mixing and add color slowly so you get the exact color you want. It may take a day or 2 but the benefits are worth it.

Can u use the heatcoil that comes in a ll with the goo kit?

Dr. WHAT?! said:

From doing plenty of gookits I've learned that if you premix your dye before you dump it into a globe, you don't always get the color you want. Gookit wax tends to be more transparent then other formulas like LL or Mathmos so more light shines thru the wax. For example I have a grande teal goo kit (whats suppose to be teal) When its cold it looks greenish/teal, but when running it's red almost purplish in color with green outlines, it's cool looking but not what I was going for. So the best way is like Spence and Wile mentioned, to mix the dye while it's running. You just have to be patient with the mixing and add color slowly so you get the exact color you want. It may take a day or 2 but the benefits are worth it.

If you want to use the screen they give you, feel free, I've never tried to use it, just because every lamp I've redone already has a coil in it.

Cool thank u

Dr. WHAT?! said:

If you want to use the screen they give you, feel free, I've never tried to use it, just because every lamp I've redone already has a coil in it.

anytime :)

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