Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've decided to remove the info from here and just update it from the lava library. Any other additions or suggestions that should be added to the tutorial please post here.


8/1/11 - I've just added the surfactant amounts for the globes sizes.

8/4/11 - Just updated the color mixing step




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I updated the page some more and added a step for coloring wax. If you guys think I missed anything please don't hesitate to post it here.
Help. Got my goo kit followed directions and your step by step. Turned it one and no flow, it sits at the bottom in kinda a raised blob. It look like a few times it tried to flow but never did. I can see the wax circulating. But just sits at the bottom?

It takes a LONG time to get flowing. Like a few hours. 

it'll take a good 6-7 hours to get flowing.

Erin said:

It takes a LONG time to get flowing. Like a few hours. 

My biggest question is how'd you do the silver?   Gookits doesn't have anything but some pretty standard colors listed on ebay. 

You get the silver effect by using some silver Sharpies - brake those into the wax for this effect.

Yes the colours are standard but a wide range can be achieved depending on how much of the colour you use and if you mix it with other colour's. 

If you can use Sharpie ink to color the wax, could you add any type of latex or oil base paint to the wax for different colors? It seems as though the goo kits only give you the primary colors of the color wheel.

Tim Gill said:

You get the silver effect by using some silver Sharpies - brake those into the wax for this effect.

Yes the colours are standard but a wide range can be achieved depending on how much of the colour you use and if you mix it with other colour's. 

Thanks for this btw it helped a lot!! My first goo kit turned out great!

Never tried the latex I can't imagine it would work honestly or how that would react with the heat. And I've tried gold oil based ink and when adding it to the wax it had a reaction and fizzled out, so something in that ink didnt like what was in the wax. When i did the grande with sharpie ink it mixes itself differently with the wax then the oil based ink and it still looks nice. So I basically stuck with what worked. You can add silver sharpie to any goo color that comes with the gookit so if you wan blue metallic add the blue dye and sharpie. You can even add sharpie to regular LL or Mathmos wax.

Mattmos said:

If you can use Sharpie ink to color the wax, could you add any type of latex or oil base paint to the wax for different colors? It seems as though the goo kits only give you the primary colors of the color wheel.

Tim Gill said:

You get the silver effect by using some silver Sharpies - brake those into the wax for this effect.

Yes the colours are standard but a wide range can be achieved depending on how much of the colour you use and if you mix it with other colour's. 

Awesome, thanks for the tip.  I picked up an empty globe cheap on a surplus place, I want to make a second one and I thought a metallic one would be pretty sweet after seeing your tutorial.

You forgot something... The amount of surf we should out for mathmos lamps...

Now I want to go thrift store shopping for some lamps (bad condition), so I can experiment with some Sharpies and Goo kits.

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