Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate



All led junk. All together now everyone. Mmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh.

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Meh indeed. Not impressed. What does everyone else think? I'd like to see less LED stuff. 

I think a lot of their non-lava stuff is made in China, if I'm not mistaken. 

Yea a lot of there LED stuff is made in china and possible some of the lava base parts. I don't mind that - the quality of their non lava items is always superior and making it in china keeps the cost right so I don't have a problem with that. (However the patriotic side of me says to make it hear and make some more jobs while your at it but that another gripe altogether)

I really doubt they will follow lava lite - the lava filling and some base making will always be in the UK.

What do I think about the new catalogue:

- I like the way they keep the lava heritage and good stuff to the front so that's a good sign.
- it was a good deshion  to re-name the clear / plum back to what it is 'clear / black
- Some of the LED items like the blimp, jelly are good and I will probably end up getting these.
- It has got tacky though - those light toys are not cool as well as the USB fan - I didn't think Mathmos would go there.

With Tim G (above) living in the UK, I would have to believe what he said about the quality of the LED's, even though they are made in China. But I will say one thing, I've heard a few people say that they've had problems with the LED's and heating plates on their Smart Astro's. I will definitely test the waters with the Smart Astro when Mathmos USA opens. I NEED ONE!!

That's really what I was hoping for - both for you in the UK and us in the US. 

WaggS said:

Yep, no sign of any new coloured bottles either *double meh*

They certainly have a thing for "mouth-blown" glass. LOL

LOL - that is true ;)

When I say LED's I mean the LED producets like the Jelly which I think is grate but I do agree that the smart astro still has teething problems and I will probably wait a while untill they are better and I can afford one before I buy.

Erin said:

They certainly have a thing for "mouth-blown" glass. LOL

lame...the remothe for the those pair of wireless colourchange lamps is the same remote which comes with a led lamp I saw at a hardwarestore...the faze3 remote was cool, but this? gotta be kidding....

I HAVE that remote for a few things. It's so cheesy. 

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