Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,

Just joined this site, and I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out!

I've got a Fluidium lamp (the one with the Ross Lovegrove logo on the front). It hasn't been used for over two years. This was due to the lava basically not warming up and staying down the bottom of the bottle, then when the bulb blew I just put it into storage.

I now want to bring it back to life!! But when I looked at it it, seems to have gone a little cloudy. I've search the forum and this seems to happen to some of lamps?

So my question(s) is this...

What do I need to do to restore it...

1) Where can I get a bulb from (I'm in the UK). Mathmos want £9 (after postage)...and this seemed a little steep? I have in the past bought standard one from a supermarket, but I think they over heat as they seem to blow really, really easily!

2) Is there a reason why the lava has stopped heating up?? (I understand that this could be for several reasons, but not sure how to find out which one it is!)

3) Is the clouding a problem? Or should it disperse once heated up?

Apologies if I'm asking alot of questions, but I've no idea about these things, and thought this would be the perfect place to ask!:)



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There should be a 'how to' about on hear.

This is how I do it:

Empty out the master fluid (I would advise to keep this as others on hear may want it).

Replace the master fluid with DI water (fill it about 3 quarters) and add 1/2 drops of washing up liquid (dawn is suggested quite a lot) and put the lamp on to melt the wax.

Mix 2 tablespoons of Epson salts to a half a pint of DI water and put the container in a bole of hot water to get the salts thoroughly dissolved.

Put the Epson salt mix in bit by bit until the flow is right - it will go a bit weird when the salt mix is first put in but let it settle before adding more.

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