Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Problem with Lava staining the sides of the blobe

Is this where I ask about problems I'm having with a lamp?

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I meant globe.  Anyway I have a lamp which had clear liquid and red wax.  Over time the liquid became cloudy and I replaced it with the distilled water and epsom salts method.  When I turned it on for  the second time the wax ran up the sides of the globe and stained the inside of the globe.  No matter how long I run the lamp the wax stain will not go away and the lamp is non functionable.  Has anyone had the same problem and is there any remedy?  It looks like I may have to toss the lamp.  PS> I've been running the lamp for 10 hours on a day for over 2 weeks.  Thanks for any suggestions.

What lamp is it - Mathmos lamp, USA made lava lite one or cheap lamp.

What do you mean when you say that the lamp is not functionable - is this because of the wax stain or does it not flow.

One way of dealing with wax stuck to the side of the globe (if this is the case) is to put foil around the lamp and run it - that way it will get hotter then regular use. Another method would be to empty the globe and then clean it thoroughly using a degreaser.

Tim Gill said:

What lamp is it - Mathmos lamp, USA made lava lite one or cheap lamp.

What do you mean when you say that the lamp is not functionable - is this because of the wax stain or does it not flow.

One way of dealing with wax stuck to the side of the globe (if this is the case) is to put foil around the lamp and run it - that way it will get hotter then regular use. Another method would be to empty the globe and then clean it thoroughly using a degreaser.



Thaks for the help.  I'll give the foil a shot.



Gary Hull said:



Thanks for the help.  I'll give the foil a shot.



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