Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've got everything up and running but am unsure as to how to reseal this lamp using the aluminum top I pried off.  I have the rubber stopper still. 


What is the bestway to reseal these grandes?



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All my grandes I've done, I just put the rubber stopper back in, and all is good. It pops up every so often, but you release the air, and put it back in, and I've no problems with flow or anything like that.

I was thinking the same exact thing.  I am just worried that if it were to fall over, it will spill.  Until I can figure out how, I will stopper it just like you are.  Thanks for the reply.

True enough, it would spill all over. Of coarse the bigger question is, how the hell did it fall in the first place? Lol...

 That's the problem I am not very good at anticipation, I have no children but I do not completely trust my dog or myself. I have it resting on a subwoofer that is about 12" high...maybe not a good idea I guess. 



you might try a rubber cap like from a plumbing supplier say 2 5/8 inch or 2 3/4 with a clamp around it

I've achieved a GREAT permanent seal after reading a post by Amber. Use marine epoxy-it will set up despite the moisture. I cleaned the bottle neck and stopper w/rubbing alcohol. Then coated stopper w/epoxy. Shoved it in, and added a bit more epoxy to the outer area. Perfect seal!

Thanks for the information all.  I will see if I can get a good seal on this. 

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