Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Bad luck stories: tell your last bad surprise bought on the net!


Please tell me I'm not the only one, and you too, also suffering from bad luck when you're buying lavalamps from the net!

On the seven lamps I bought on the net (yet), I had bad luck for 4 of them!

Pretty much a big ratio!

-First was the Fluidium Grande I found on the net (I collected it in person but at night outside, so I didn't saw it really before I came home)


This one seems doomed, as now, I'm having problem with a bad batch of gookit on it.

-Then was my Lunar Horror story:


Still have to find a bottle and repair the cone.

-Then was a Purple Fireflow R1, which came cloudy. I sent it back to the shop at my expenses, and when the shop sent me back a new one, it was lost because they didn't sent it registered.

They finally refund me the lamp, but I lost the return shipping :-(

Thanks the Glow Company (avoid them!)

-And now, after having so much problems with my second hand Fluidium Grande, I was decided to buy a new one. I bought one at Conrad.de.

It was in stock when I ordered it, but few days after being charged, I received an invoice telling me the lamp wasn't anymore on their catalog and won't be ever.

Same day I saw an auction on ebay.de from Conrad selling a 2nd choice Fluidium Grande at 49eur.

I bought it. I received a message telling me they won't deliver to France, so auction was canceled.

(are you still there? Not too boring? :-) )

Then Conrad refunded me 75eur from the 79.99 I've paid for the new one.

Why? I don't know, but I won't have business with them anymore!

Then, I found another shop in Germany with a Fluidium Grande in stock.

I bought it and received it today.

I never saw such a cloudy lamp!

but I was expecting that.

What I didn't expected was the huge defects on the globe:

(are you really still reading this? Come on! Get a life :-)  )

So please tell me this is absolutely normal situation when you're buying lavalamps on the net (used or new) otherwise I'm gonna think I'm a victim of Voodoo stuff or else.

And please: tell us your horror stories too :-)

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China lamps = Bad luck in all my cases..

I ordered my first Grande all the from USA to Denmark.. I didnt know anything about lava lamps back then, but oh well.. What i received was JUST as cloudy as your fludium there.. And that lamp was so expensive, not only the lamp it self but the shipping too.. I then contacted lava lite, which sent me another grande, for free! Nice service, but what i received was allmost as cloudy :( So i had to open them both up and thanks to Autumn and a lot of others in here i managed to restore both lamps to perfect crystal clear shape..

Actually, on one of the seven I told, was a cloudy Grande.

But it was new and cheap, and nice after filtering, so I consider myself lucky on this one :-)

If it is just cloudy, then you're lucky !

Bought a Mathmos Astro brand new from mathmos OW 5 weeks ago, never again, rubish flow, overheats after 5 hours, wax splits into tiny blobs, coil showing over base, top cap not spun straight and wobbles on bottle lid, scratches on base, £60 quid down drain.



why don't you return it, as you're in UK?

I don't know what's happening to Mathmos now, they used to be the best in the market.


If i thought i could return it and get a perfect replacement i would, I've just accepted that i bought a mathmos at the wrong time as they seem to be on the decline. To be honest its put me off lamps all together, i am now looking for other projects to waste my money on lol.

If I were you I would give it a try.

Astro are pretty expensive, but you're right Mathmos seems to have troubles right now.

As it seems not many are doomed here, I 'll continue with my 2 last orders.

2 orders from different shops (1 in UK, 1 in France) but same results:

I paid both lamps listed in "stock", then both where listed "shipped", and now both are " Waiting for pre-order items".

I can't believe it! This is happening to me for the 3rd time :-(

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