Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I saw one in a photo and I love it. Where can I pick one up? Is it one of those RARE ones again? Lol. Anyone have one for sale?


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Hi Kris,
The white Fluidiums sure are nice, and very very collectable nowadays. They originally retailed at the same price as the other colours but now go for a whole lot more. occasionally, they appear on ebay. Don't be suprised if a boxed example goes for £150+ (nearly $300).

That's not too bad. I will have to keep my eye out.
Not sure I would spend that much. $300 is really pushing it and it would have to be NEW in BOX. Used at 100 or less would be nice.
once i saw it on sale in ebay uk, its going at 800+ pounds. that the price for it i think.
make sure its pure white. read that the reason they stop white lava was the sperm white lava turns off-white. white or not, i still be in love with it. winks
Try here:-


it's already fetching a high bid and it's only just started!

good luck!

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