Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I chose a company name, and registered a domain! :D

Please take a look at my website, and let me know what you think! I know the graphics need some work, this is basically just a place-holder until I get my real site up and running.

I'm about to pull my hair out over the "create your own lamp" interface, but at least I made a company logo, and got a message board up and running. :p Look up at the top of the page, and you'll see the link. It says "Vortek Forums". Tell me what you think of that, and register if you want to!


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I agree with Autumn, we need the wacky lamps, cloudy or not, i have a couple I want, like the one that looks like a bowling pin

and the crazy one that only Da9l has

Yes, I'd like to branch out eventually, and I'm sure that one day I will, but the problem with that is minimum orders. I'll have to buy a warehouse before too long! And I'm saving up for an anodizer kit. Maybe three people could all order a small lot, and all 3 people could split the lots between them? That way everybody could get 33 of each kind of lamp. I could probably do that eventually, also.

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