Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I know very little about how many shops stock Mathmos, and what approximate equivalent prices in US dollars are.

My cousin is traveling to London on business this coming week-end. Depending on price, I'm considering asking her to see if she can buy me a new Mathmos. I'd like either an Astrobaby or a Fireflow.

What are (approximate) equivalent US prices, and where in London can these be bought?

I also have a color question: is there any good photo on OG showing the real difference in appearance between violet/red and violet/orange? I'm leaning towards a violet/orange as it appears that the red lava imparts a more pink hue to the liquid, whereas the orange leaves it vividly purple which I love.

I may, instead, ask her to buy me two bottles; do any stores in London proper stock just the globes?

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has the london mathmos shop gone then? - last time i was in london i made a special detour to visit only to find it's closed on the day i visited :(

The shop in London has been closed permanently :o(

Didn't end up getting anything from the UK, but the cousin DID go to Japan and was able to track down something I could only get there (liquor sold only in Japan).

 There's a shop called John Lewis in Purley Way near London which sells Mathmos lamps.

When I have looked in John Lewis before I havent seen any Mathmos lava lamps - a Mathmos jelly wash but that was it.

There websight only sells china ones http://www.johnlewis.com/Search/Search.aspx?SearchTerm=lava+lamp

Its really surpising really when John Lewis sells high quality items and the price reflects this so why china lamps.

I am going to re-open this topic - i have found that a chain called gallery gifts sell Mathmos lamps they have a shop in Bexleyheath (south east London) and shops around the south - Balasdon, Sutton, Basingstoke.

Hear is the link to there locations http://www.gallerygiftsonline.co.uk/index.php?_a=viewDoc&docId=7

From talking to the guy at the Basingstoke branch it seams that the Bexleyheath shop has most of the lamps.

John Lewis on Oxford Street have Mathmos Astro's in stock as I bought one there on Saturday. Only blue/green or orange/violet. £57.00.

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