Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,- Deutschland / Europa

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,-

shipping to your adress

we are two.

we need 8 Lunar owner more

Hallo, wir brauchen noch 8 Besitzer von Lunar Raketen die eine Flasche in Wunschfarbe haben möchten. (2 sind wir schon, nur die es auch im Shop für Astro, Telstar usw. gibt)

Der Versand geht an euere Adresse von Mathmos aus.

Stückpreis anstatt knapp 200,- nur noch 120,-

Wäre toll wenn wir die 8 Leute noch zusammenbekommen.

Wer interesse hat bitte hier die Wunschfarbe posten

Würde mich freuen wenn den Text jemand in ein vernünftiges Englisch formulieren könnte :-)

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs






Views: 4556

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Sorry, but my turquoise fireflow doesn't have this problem

Marcel said:

The color pigment issue is normal on the light blue color. You can see the same Problems on every Fireflow with this color.

Do other people have the cloudiness (when cold)?

At first it wasn't a problem,

but the more i look at my other clear liquid lamps the more i notice the difference.

Same as you but when hot.

Not a problem at first, but yesterday while it was running it with other lamps, I noticed how cloudy it is when the room is dark.

In a room with full light it's OK.

I also notice today I've got 2 spot of wax sticked on the wall of the bottle :-(

I hope they will go away...

here the new 6 bottles - 2 pink clear cloudy :-(

christoph and uwe


receive my turquoise yesterday  a real sucess: full level, very clear cold &hot, wonderfull tropical sea like color, only two or three small hair in the wax. much better than the 2 astro bottles I bought 3 month ago I love it !!!

Christophe - do the pink wax bottles clear up when running hot?

Christoph Stucke said:

here the new 6 bottles - 2 pink clear cloudy :-(

christoph and uwe

hi simon

i hope - it,s running with 100W at first 8h


mathmosotaku said:

here is a picture from my 3 bottles . clear/plum ,clear/pink and clear/blue.look at the pink it is not clear !

Hi, my pink l "clear" is also cloudy, and I don't have the impression that it clears up when running a while, that's really annoying. The flow is wonderful when using the dimmer, but I really dislike cloudy bottles, especially those for 120 €!

I believe we should make a list of cloudy bottles that were received as part of this order - they are too expensive to be ignored!!

How could these bottles leave the Mathmos factory cloudy?

They told us that each custom Lunar bottle is "fired up" at the Mathmos factory to make sure all is well.

hi- i think the same-we changed when it,s don,t work after running better (clear) - to expensive for the desaster-sorry mathmos - you can it better!!!

I look tomorrow to my bottle, after i tell you whats going on with my liquid.

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