Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Long story short, I'm trying to clear a 1994 blue white globe.  I have been running it like crazy for 2 days and the cloudiness is improving.  I just wanted to get some input on putting the lava globe into the dishwasher.  I have done this before to regular 32oz globes for the hell of it and everything was cool.  

Why would one want to do this?  Well because the dishwasher will heat the liquid but not the wax, which will help the lamp clear up.  My only concern is, would the dish detergent soap possibly harm the lamp? Its not good for the dishwasher itself to run without soap.  I use the liquid detergent.  I'm confident that I used it before but cannot remember.  

Anyway, I am open to suggestions... :D

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I use the dishwasher all the time with dish tabs and they come out spotless. One thing I'd make sure to do it take a air can and use it to spray cap free from any left over water. Caps will rust is they arent dried properly.

Gotcha.  Thanks.  Quick question, I was wondering if the stamped numbers on the bottle cap fade?  I believe they did last time I used the DW.  Anyway, I was going to put the plastic midnight cap over the cap just to be safe?  Think I'll be ok?

mmm you know Im not sure on the fading numbers, I guess I never paid attention lol. The cap may pop off though when the water is shooting upward.

Hmmmm guess I'll find out.  Anyway, so this really does help clearing lamps up huh?

well I dont know about that either I used the dishwasher to clean them from dust finger prints etc. But u know it could quite possibly do it I would test it.

This is the craziest thing I've ever heard.  Never crossed my mind to put one in the dishwasher.  Have you ever put an old screw top one in there?

I am sure it will be fine if you just run the dishwasher normaly, if you do it regulie with the same globe then it could cause the globe's glass to become cloudy.

I havent heard this as well but it could work if all else fales, I wash bottles using near boling water and it does the job and if this dosent work then I would use a degreaser.

lol yes I've done screw capped globes as well. Its like a mini car wash for your globes.

Derek Hyde said:

This is the craziest thing I've ever heard.  Never crossed my mind to put one in the dishwasher.  Have you ever put an old screw top one in there?

You will have to explain to me how the wax won't get hot, but the liquid does. I can see this useful for cleaning the glass, but an oven would do the same thing, but in a more regulated environment.

Depending on the globe's wax, the wax will melt too just no fully.

Yeah, the wax was just a blob at the bottom.  It had risen slowly by the time I took it off.  Lamp looks a tad better but I don't think I'll do it again. :/

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