Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all. I just found a glitter lamp with a moon and stars on the cap. It's got green glitter inside. Looks a little like an Excalibur. Anybody know what it's called? What a fair price to pay would be?

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If it's fairly tall and cylinder shaped, it sounds like it is an Excalibur. I have one with a moon and stars on top in blue glitter. I see them sell anywhere from $30-$60 dollars on Ebay. I paid $50 for mine when Spencer Gifts sold them.

Thank you very much! I would have paid too much for this one. Ive seen an excalibur before, but they both had a sun on the cap. I wasnt sure about the moon and stars being the same. Looks identical otherwise. Oval shape, almost 3 feet tall. I like the taller lamps because I can keep them higher and out of reach of kids and dogs, but still be able to see them clearly. They are asking $60. I'll offer them a bit less and see what they say... Thanks again.
Wow! Someone has an Excalibur purple glitter on eBay for $750 plus $45 shipping. I don't know enough about these lamps to officially ad it to the "outrageous priced lava lamps" thread, but I'd imagine it probably earned the right to be posted there... Suddenly $50 isn't looking too bad. :)

$750 is a ripoff.

Jennifer said:

Wow! Someone has an Excalibur purple glitter on eBay for $750 plus $45 shipping. I don't know enough about these lamps to officially ad it to the "outrageous priced lava lamps" thread, but I'd imagine it probably earned the right to be posted there... Suddenly $50 isn't looking too bad. :)

I have 2 excaliburs, one I paid $8 for the other I paid $20, I do not thing I would pay more than 30 for one unless it was a really odd color

The wizard of ooze is right on with his valuation.  Great, great lamp and a good bargain in the $50 - $75 range.  Yes, I got my three for less, but I would be willing to drop $50 - $75 on one if that was the asking price.  Worth every penny.  $30 is a bit on the low side in my opinion.

The fool with the $750 Excal is simply that... a fool.  He is local for me and I had seen his lamp on CL.  I offered him $50 and informed him I have bought these with box for that price point.  He is deluded into thinking this is a "rare" lamp worth that kind of money.  Cool lamp, absolutely but not at all rare.

I found one on CL for $20 but they weren't willing to ship.:(  bummer

Yep, these came with son, moon or star caps, in black or silver. $750-guy is dreaming. These are slightly uncommon lamps as far as recent Chinese knock-offs go, but they are neither rare, nor in my opinion worth more than $100 tops, realistically $50-75.

WAY over priced, again somone thinks he has a rair item when its not the case at all

I don't know much about this lamp but I am quite certin its a china one.

Ya I was thinking of adding it to the overpriced discussion. But didn't know a lot about it
Do any of you know how much the red liquid, base, and cap wizard is worth?

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