Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

today i bought a purple glitter grande for $25. it was supposed to be new in box. i looked at it in a dark garage and it looked fine.it was clear. when i got it home and put a blub in it it went cloudy. there is a filming on the glass and tons of little bits of white fluffy moldy looking stuff floating around. it still seems to be sealed. i cant barley even see the glitter and what glitter i can see doesnt even look to be silver. it looks irridescent. i thought all grandes had silver glitter? and i didnt even know a glitter could go cloudy! ive been scearching og for and hour and have not found any info...HELP PLEASE!!!!

this is my 3rd bad buy in a row! geez...(hand smacks forehead) :(

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What rotten luck! :( Still, even an empty grande with a good base and cap is worth $25...so it's not a total wash!

thanks loren :)....that makes me feel abit better. i really had my heart set on a glitter but i guess ill have to goo kit it if i cant fix it.

im pretty doubtfull theres is a way to fix this but i still what to know what the deal is with it. why would it go cloudy?..any one else have this happen?...was there a grande with irridescent glitter?...

here are some pics. all the junk floating around isint glitter...

Weird...and that still has the original seal on it? The only grande glitters I've ever seen were all light blue, so this purple iridescent one is weird to me.

Well u can goo kit it. Damn goo kits shipping cost more than the kit tho! I was like wtf

If its defiantly sealed properly (I guess it is) then its probably a combination of another dodgy LL globe and it sitting in a garage for ages where it has gone funky.

I think the best thing to do is to iver goo kit it or refill it with a lode of peace lamp glitter globes. If that is too much effort and / or costs then just empty it and clean it and put it on Ebay you will get some interest as its hard to find a empty grande base and cap.

Hi Tiffany. I have a "purple". Grande glitter too. I'd never seen a purple one before, so I did a little research. This is what I found out... Although I will be the first to admit some of this could be incorrect. It's all Internet info. First, there has never been an official purple glitter grande. The sticker on the top of mine leads me to believe it was once a blue. Second, whatever non-glitter clots are floating around are what remains of the blue dye gone bad. (this info was on a Facebook page so I'm not sure about the validity). My globe has a few small fuzzy clots floating around and a few chunks of random blue stuff. Not as bad as yours, but still there. My own thoughts are that the globes were run with 100 watt bulbs and they maybe got too hot and caused some reaction inside... The little paper instructions that came with my brand new sealed in the box blue glitter grande say that you should use a 65 watt replacement bulb. However, there was a 100 watt in my purple one when i brought it home. So i replaced the bulb with a 65 and My clots pretty much settled to the bottom and stay there now. Good luck.

hmmm....interesting Jen. thanks for the info. the seller told me it was new and had never been ran. it was boxed and wrapped in plastic like new. except the box it was in was for a blue glitter. i thought (and so did the seller) that i was going to look at a blue. but was surprised to find purple. there was no bulb in it and ive put a 60watt halogen in there cuz walmart was out of 60watt R20s.
Jennifer said:

Hi Tiffany. I have a "purple". Grande glitter too. I'd never seen a purple one before, so I did a little research. This is what I found out... Although I will be the first to admit some of this could be incorrect. It's all Internet info. First, there has never been an official purple glitter grande. The sticker on the top of mine leads me to believe it was once a blue. Second, whatever non-glitter clots are floating around are what remains of the blue dye gone bad. (this info was on a Facebook page so I'm not sure about the validity). My globe has a few small fuzzy clots floating around and a few chunks of random blue stuff. Not as bad as yours, but still there. My own thoughts are that the globes were run with 100 watt bulbs and they maybe got too hot and caused some reaction inside... The little paper instructions that came with my brand new sealed in the box blue glitter grande say that you should use a 65 watt replacement bulb. However, there was a 100 watt in my purple one when i brought it home. So i replaced the bulb with a 65 and My clots pretty much settled to the bottom and stay there now. Good luck.
Well, that's a nice surprise!! I LOVE purple!!! My "purple" glitter was listed as a lava lamp. So i made the drive thinking I was gonna find me a purple lava grande! Now I know those were never made. I'm still such a newbie. :). The only reason I thought mine was probably blue to start with is cuz I've only ever seen blue and clear glitter grandes, and this,one was sitting in front of a window and covered in dust. So I was sure at least a little fading had happened. Also, my glitter has the blue code number on the sticker. That would be cool if yours was actually purple from the start. Nice! Still sealed and shiny and new! Great find. :)

Well, hopefully, the fluffs will settle down for you then you just can NEVER move it again.

Sounds to me like the formula went bad. I am pretty sure the crappy glitters use formulas that can change over time. All I can tell you is to dump and refill. I honestly do not buy grande glitters or most china glitters for this very reason.

okay so im gonna goo kit it for sure then. gonna order a kit next week. in the mean time i wanna dump it and get it cleaned out. how do i go about removing the lid without dammaging it?...then how do i reseal it?...oh and another thing, i noticed the gookits come with some mesh screen type stuff instead of a coil and ive heard its better to use a coil...is this true? if so where would i get a new coil at?

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