Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This might be a repeat for some of you - sorry if it is - but I am really serious about finding one or more of these. (Thanks for understanding).

Hi there. I am completely new, so please bear with me.
I just found this website a day or so ago. Wow, this is an awesome site!
Here's how I found you. I saw a Florence Art Co. glitter lamp on ebay the other day. I was outbid at the last minute. Here's the link to the auction:
I don't know anything about their prices or rarity. It looks to me like you guys have collected all of them yourselves! Maybe there aren't any more out there!
I would like to see if I can find one of these (Florence Art Co. glitter lamps - a plain looking one like this brass colored one). I would prefer the 10 inch one or perhaps smaller (if they made them smaller).
Here's a link that shows the styles:
I like the style of #1 or #2 or the clock (#21). I might consider some other model also, but would prefer #1 the most. I liked the red one on ebay, but would consider other colors. Does anyone have one they might be willing to let go? If not, does anyone know where I might try to find one? If it doesn't break the bank, I am willing to pay a finder's fee.
ANY information at all would be very much appreciated!!!
Jen P.

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Jen -

Sorry for taking so long to get you these pics. Here's a couple of updated photos that show my entire collection of Florence Art Co. glitter lamps. If there are any that you would like more detailed photos of, please let me know.
If anybody has ANY Florence Arts glitter lamp that you don't see in my photo that they would be willing to sell or trade (for a rare lava, etc.), please let me know!
Well, here are some close-ups of the Florence Arts Co. lamp in Copper with a Ring. Only one I've ever seen.

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