Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

i bought a red wizard base on ebay that was supposed to be NIB. i got it today and its missing the cap :(

its gonna cost more than i paid for it to send it back so does any one have an extra cap theyd be willing to sell me?

i dont care what color.

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Never toss caps. Someone always loose one!
I'll check my dented pile Tiff.

My Wizard cap was dented anyhow, and badly so. 

okay thanks weebs :)

WeeboTech said:

Never toss caps. Someone always loose one!
I'll check my dented pile Tiff.

well today i found some red auto touch up spray paint that matches the red wiz bace almost perfectly so i painted the cap to my silver wiz red to go with the red base. it looks great! but i still need another silver wiz cap now lol...

Give me a week or so. I;m dealing with hurricane sandy right now. Sorry for the delay. PM me in a week to remind me.

weebo, ohhh okay...sorry i wasnt trying to rush you or anything...i just assumed you didnt find one..and i was just sharing about the red paint and such lol..

my prayers are with you through the hurricane!

still looking for a sliver wizard cap. if anyone out there is goo land has a spare shoot me pm...thanks :)

Let me take a look around Tiffany.  I may be able to help.

I too am looking for a silver cap so I can paint it to match my Turq Wizard base

okay, thanks jim :)

So sorry guys. I could not save anything. My apartment was under water for 12 hours filled with seawater, sewage and fuel oil.
The landlord told me not to clean up and wait until they arrive to take pictures.

I had to go live with friends in another town. By time I got back to the apartment, they had already started cleaning up and throwing my stuff out to the street as trash. There was very little that could be saved. It was a pretty nasty mess! So sorry. Such a loss of lava :( 

oh weebs im so sorry...thats horrible! my heart goes out to you :(

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