Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ebayniacs? Anybody? Please help me understand this...

Ordered a goo kit on Ebay. UPS tracking number shows up as "Invalid". Magmatower10 response is (quote):

"checking on it.  somebody fatfingered the numbers."

- magmatower10
Sooooooooo-My question is: Can anyone else think of a scenario involving UPS and Ebay which even CALLS FOR manual entry of tracking numbers? I can't! Everything is scanned, numbers are all computer generated.  I know I should jus re-ask magmatower, but at this point I'm feeling suspicious of their replies.  I'm hoping one of you can be the voice of reason, and tell me something to knock me off my suspicion-like HOW it could even possibly happen? Thanks yall-

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That's what I'm thinking... Since the wax I got didn't flow, and I emailed them. But they wanted a phone call first. I hope it comes this way. so I don't have to deal with them. I'll never buy from them again that's for sure!

Jus said:

Metallica man-maybe the goo is headed to your house!

I'll keep buying from them as long as they keep fixing their mistakes. I kinda don't have much choice if I want to sell custom lamps with a lava option. I'm fairly sure that I know what's in MT goo, but I have no idea about the exact proportions, and I don't have the time or resources to experiment with it right now. I could go to selling just glitter lamps, but considering my last 12 orders have all been for lava, I'd hate to have to do that. Plus I like to try and help small businesses. If they are struggling, it just makes me want to help them more. I know...I'm a pushover...an old softie. LOL!

They have been very personable to me in the past, if a bit clipped, and our problems in communication were mostly based on misunderstandings.

...But yeah. I was tempted to joke around with them, and tell them to put the bong down. LOL!

Oh and Jus, so this goo came to you completely liquified from the TX heat, or for some other reason? Did it ever solidify? If it wasn't hot, then what the hell...

LOL!...jus i cant believe they gave you mm's tracking #...someone over there is a major derp :P

Loren-No, my goo wasn't melted at all.  I'ts jus that when I did melt it down, I could see all kinds of black and also shiny specs in the liquid goo.

Tiffany- I jokingly said maybe the goo that was supposed to ship to me was actually headed to him (because the tracking # shows it bound for Union Gap, not Fort Worth). Although I was kidding, it may turn out to be the case, and perhaps they did give me MM's tracking #! Who knows, at this point!

Yea who knows - for all we know it could end up at my house LOL

I was going to say that the goo cant be melted even in the TX heat as it takes ages to melt the goo fully

Yea the thing is that there really isent that many lava companies in the world and only 1 that does goo kits for now. So loren you have no choice really. I feel that we should try to help and not just say well I won't buy from them - thies guys arnt a big company and are OG members so I feel that is fair - the problems being made are simple ones (take it from me and anyone else that works in warehousing and distrobution etc).

Jus said:

Loren-No, my goo wasn't melted at all.  I'ts jus that when I did melt it down, I could see all kinds of black and also shiny specs in the liquid goo.

Tiffany- I jokingly said maybe the goo that was supposed to ship to me was actually headed to him (because the tracking # shows it bound for Union Gap, not Fort Worth). Although I was kidding, it may turn out to be the case, and perhaps they did give me MM's tracking #! Who knows, at this point!

I prefer to mess with LL wax and fluids. What I really don't like is it seems that everyone that's had problems, had it fixed by just e mail. But when I tell them my wax won't flow the response I get is. Well you need to give us your number, or call us we need to have a talk about this.... I was not happy at all with that reasponce. More so cause they had messed up my order

I quit buying GooKits after only two orders with them. I, too, had an order problem (very late shipment/wrong address). I've also written them a few times and gotten an unprofessional response. I've had a really good response from Louie, though, too. I had white fuzz that developed in several of my lamps and black fuzz in another and never could figure that one out. I decided not to purchase any more. 

I've had some good experiences, too. They aren't all bad. However, due to the cost, hassle and 50/50 chance of success, I decided not to purchase any more GooKits.

Here are some of my experiences with GooKits:




 Mini goo kits now at magma tower

I just saw that on eBay. Interesting. I still think shipping's a little high.

I have gotten a completely melted quart of goo, and this isn't even TX. ;-)

...But then again, that was August.

Tim Gill said:

Yea who knows - for all we know it could end up at my house LOL

I was going to say that the goo cant be melted even in the TX heat as it takes ages to melt the goo fully

Yea the thing is that there really isent that many lava companies in the world and only 1 that does goo kits for now. So loren you have no choice really. I feel that we should try to help and not just say well I won't buy from them - thies guys arnt a big company and are OG members so I feel that is fair - the problems being made are simple ones (take it from me and anyone else that works in warehousing and distrobution etc).

76 cents difference in shipping from a standard to a mini kit

I experienced the white fuzz in every one of my 6 lamps that I re-goo'ed. I would notice, what appeared to be q-tip fuzz after running the lamp for the first time. I always thought it was from me, not cleaning the lamp thoroughly. In order to clean the fuzz out, I would start the lamp back up, wait for the fuzz to rise and suck it out with a turkey baster.    
Erin said:

I quit buying GooKits after only two orders with them. I, too, had an order problem (very late shipment/wrong address). I've also written them a few times and gotten an unprofessional response. I've had a really good response from Louie, though, too. I had white fuzz that developed in several of my lamps and black fuzz in another and never could figure that one out. I decided not to purchase any more. 

I've had some good experiences, too. They aren't all bad. However, due to the cost, hassle and 50/50 chance of success, I decided not to purchase any more GooKits.

Here are some of my experiences with GooKits:




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