Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Thought i'd start a discussion about what you consider to be your ultimate lava/glitter/fibre bargain. Whether it be at a garage/car boot sale, on Ebay or something found at an old junk store let us know and make us jealous perhaps.

Mathmos Space Projector - Ebay buy it now $10.00/£5.00 anyone?? Snapped up a month or two back.

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Silver Century white/blue screw-cap, $5.

Princess (wall sconce) $55.

Not lava, but it IS action lighting: Kirsch-Hamilton Aurora clock, perfect order with good polarizing filters, $280 (new ones from Chrono-Art are nearly $500 and old ones usually have the filters cooked to murky colors).

Serious bargainage there Krissy and co. Now i'm jealous!!!!
a gunmetal silver jet living jewel lamp with box and instructions never been used! from the late 80's mint condition snapped up for £35. :-)

Got it off of Craigslist for $35 shipped.


Did you find a replacement for the globe?  I have a broken Mediterranean and would love to find a replacement globe for it. 
Mike(Blind Faith) said:

A mediterranean I found yesterday for $15 the globe is shot but still a great find, have found many others through time but this one takes the cake since I didn't even own one.

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