Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Found oozinggoo.com when I was looking for ways to repair the Grande I picked up at CostCo a few years ago.  It's one of the Chinese made ones that has gone extremely cloudy and ceased to flow (going to try replacing the fluid one of these weekends). 

It was here that I found out about really big Lava lamps.  I was bowled over by videos of the  Colossus lamps and really want to see if I could get one, I couldn't find them available anywhere so I wrote LavaLite.  I wanted to let this group know what I got this from Lava Lite today:

We have a special promo on the Colossus for serious buyers.   This will be the last time the Colossus will be seen.

Please see attached promo sheet with pricing included.

If you are interested please contact on my direct line at 630-496-6663.


Best regards,


Susan Michaels

Customer Service Representative


630-496-6663 direct line



Sadly these prices are outside of my discretionary funds, even though they include shipping.  I post it in hopes that someone here may be interested.


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Kirk, you and me both.  I e-mailed Susan on Friday and she was going to send the info to lava quality control.  She keeps telling me it's getting hot, but since I'm running it at 60% AND it goes from beautiful flow to blob with no overheating tell tales (lots of small blobs) I'm voting defective.

Monday I'm going to request a replacement lamp.

Bridget, last Monday she assured me that they would replace my purple/yellow with a purple/pink if the 5 day program failed to work.  I emailed her Friday evening that I wanted the replacement.

I'm ready for my purple/pink.  :>)  Is yours still running well?  My clear/red runs flawlessly for hours, and I've run it off and on for over a week now.  I really love it -- it may make a great replacement for you.  :>)

Thanks, Bridget! :)

I'm going to turn mine on when I go to bed tonight, and when I wake up, it should be close to flowing. I'll sit with it and watch over it. Hopefully this was just a fluke! It wasn't technically "stuck"...it did flow, but it was choked, and slow. We'll see what happens tomorrow! I just hope the coil hasn't become hydrophilic, because I can't just spin this globe like a 32oz midnight. :(

they must have hit the clear/red perfectly. Mine has run for approx  32 hours or so, with no probs. I can change the flow with the dimmer to whatever i want. I run 50% for perfect flow with a red lens 250w heat lamp.

Exactly my experience. I really like the red bulb, especially after the sun goes down.

razerface said:

they must have hit the clear/red perfectly. Mine has run for approx  32 hours or so, with no probs. I can change the flow with the dimmer to whatever i want. I run 50% for perfect flow with a red lens 250w heat lamp.

Damn Loren - that sucks.  I'm officially suspicious of that yellow wax.  I wouldn't think wax dyed one way or another would change matters, but there seems to be a pattern emerging.

Loren said:


After 2 stellar runs, on the third run, I woke up to stuck flow. :( the wax had come away from the coil completely in places, and I had a hot air balloon of inertia. I fixed it temporarily by turning the lamp off for 10 minutes, and then back on. The wax flowed back over the coil...but it came right back off again 10 minutes later. :(

I hope my globe isn't ruined, but my plans to have my colossus going tonight sure are.

The red bulb puts out "less light",, but the same heat,,so it does not wash out the color of the red lava at the bottom of the globe. The globe is slightly darker then,,which is why it looks even better after the sun goes down. Shut those curtains during the day for more color!

I have a 1974 red lava lamp that i thought was the best red i have ever seen,,but this colossus with the red bulb surpasses the old lava when the light is right.

I am now looking for red lens bulbs or a filter to run on my smaller red lava lamps. I would like to see what it does to another color too.

Kirk said:

Exactly my experience. I really like the red bulb, especially after the sun goes down.

So far the p/p flows great and has been running longer than the p/y did without any problems. I've left it running for 24+ hours, and have turned it down at night and both ways it looks good and keeps working.

I'm going the way of a clear/red as a replacement because I just don't trust the yellow wax at this point.

Kirk said:

Bridget, last Monday she assured me that they would replace my purple/yellow with a purple/pink if the 5 day program failed to work.  I emailed her Friday evening that I wanted the replacement.

I'm ready for my purple/pink.  :>)  Is yours still running well?  My clear/red runs flawlessly for hours, and I've run it off and on for over a week now.  I really love it -- it may make a great replacement for you.  :>)

Just turned on my yellow/purple lamp about 2 hours ago. I have it dialed into what I think is "70%", It spiked for awhile and the wax has dropped back down to the bottom and is slowly melting it's way. 

Something I'm concerned about is some "black specks" or some kind of black looking particulate sitting at the bottom of the lamp. I can't get a real clear pick but they almost look like "mouse turds". Anything to be worried about?

Also with these 70% and 50% settings..........

the dial has an on/off click then a pretty large "dead area" where the lamp remains off until just before the light actually comes on. 

So I'm marking my "1%" mark at the first barely lit position and then halfway from there for 50% and 100% fully turned.

I just wanted make sure I'm marking things correctly

are you sure about the bulb coming on? It may be on, but just not bright enough to see it thru the wax until you turn it up farther.

It does not matter where it is on the knob. Get it running, using approx 75% of the knob travel,,then slowly,,every 30 minutes or so,,turn it down a very small amount till you find the spot where it will quit flowing,,,that is your low spot. Use the low spot to cycle the lamp with the lowest heat needed,,,and go up just a little at a time on the knob to flow harder. When the lava gathers too much at the top and STAYS there,,,that is your highest temp. Mark those 2 spots and run between them. This is my way,,,not the rule or anything.

Remember, nothing happens right away when you adjust the knob,,,give it time to react. Mine runs with the line on the knob pointing straight down,,,but they all may be slightly different. I started mine the first time on 100% per LL,, but will probly not do that any more. I was impatient!

Not liking all of this yellow wax discussion... All I can do is wait for my purple/yellow to arrive and see what happens!

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