Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Best option for topping off liquid in a 1970s globe?

I have a 52oz. globe from the 70s and the liquid level is low. I've replaced liquid in 60's globes, but never topped off a 70s globe. Do I need to top off with liquid from another 70s lamp or can I add some distilled water?


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Erin, what do you do about those little tiny "blobs" floating around in there?  Just leave them?  I have a clear/green Wizard that has those in it and never melt back into the lava even when it cools. 

All of mine melt back into the wax when I turn it off. I think this lamp needs to be run a bunch more though. 

distilled water

Hmmmm, I've run the hound out of this one and they never melt.  I'll keep on truckin with it.  Thanks, Erin!  :)
Erin said:

All of mine melt back into the wax when I turn it off. I think this lamp needs to be run a bunch more though. 

Really? Will that be OK? Would reverse osmosis water work, too?

Dr. WHAT?! said:

distilled water

ya your not missing much at all

OK, good to know. I just don't want to wreck it!

Dr. WHAT?! said:

ya your missing much at all

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