Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

About to start my first gookit.
I have read in several places here that the dye can be added to the goo AFTER its in the water & flowing.
But I can't find any instructions HOW to do this.
Can somebody please help me?

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Wow, looks great! When it's all said & done, we'll expect exact instructions! Is this with the standard 100w bulb? Dimmer? Now I'm definitely goo kitting mine.
After seeing this I'm tempted to try white wax and colored water.

 Really nice photo!

Phishy Lava said:

Looks much better than my kit. Your wax actually turned white! When was the kit purchased?

Yes, the standard 100 watt bulb. It IS on a dimmer, but I actually had it turned up to 100% all day today.

Ben said:

Wow, looks great! When it's all said & done, we'll expect exact instructions! Is this with the standard 100w bulb? Dimmer? Now I'm definitely goo kitting mine.

Purchased on 4/5/13

Brad said:

Looks much better than my kit. Your wax actually turned white! When was the kit purchased?
Did you buy the kit from the goo kit eBay store?

Yes I did.

MAN!  That really couldn't look any better-it's perfect!  You did a great job, and I'm thinking you definitely had a better batch of goo than some of us received.  So YAY!  Looks great, and maybe goo kits are on the upswing.  Cuz people here are exceedingly dedicated to following the directions in order to get such lovely results as this...therefore, in my not so humble opinion, the curiously similar problems many experienced were probably not their fault... 

Dyed. Can't seem to get that reeeeeeeally opaque red that i'm looking for, but I guess that's just the nature of the gookit wax. 

Looks just like my 52oz neon watermelon right now. 

I wanted it to look like blood or paint......oh well.....still love it!

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