Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I still have a cranky and toady to trade. a red electric as well

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I have a jet, the jetstream was a cover that slipped over the jet for a different look. is it the jet and jet stream? if it is ,yes.
I cant believe theres no interest in cranky.He is the coolest wicked clown out there. Anyone want to chime in about the coolness of cranky?Toady 's pretty mellow as well. A red elecktric? there was a time i would have sold someones soul for these lamps, nnot my own but someones. Make an offer of a trade. I aso need vw bus parts. Give it a whirl
crankky and toady unbelievably stilll available
clowns freak me out man! Seriously!

what is a toady? have pics? please, no clown pics.
Can you post some pics of them. I have loved Lava Lamps since the 70s but dont know what the Cranky or the electric look like. If you cant post some pics thats know problem.

Sorry I forgot to put add to my message is that I hope to learn all about Lava Lamps and start a small Collection.


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