Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I Can Take No More - Colossus Goo Kit Project (Sorta')

I've tried different coils, removing the small coil, putting in new custom coils, slowly warming the wax for weeks - still my Purple/Pink has not responded.  

It is just too sensitive to temperature changes in its environment - meaning it only runs well in a very narrow temperature range.  I'm convinced its the bloody wax.

So, I've drained the liquid, and I'm in the process of melting the wax on the base.  My plan is to goo kit it with clear liquid and that pretty neon blue everyone likes so much.  This should be fun!


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Oh, wait.  Libby is the cheerleader.  But still, I think you have a handle on this and will get it figured out.  I think either method, diluting or replacing and salting will work for you. Personally I would dilute, just because it's easier ;)

Keith, you did "my" job in a most excellent fashion.  I started to do that cheer the other night, but thought everyone would think I was being a dork.......not that you are, of course!   hahahahaha    You go, buddy!!!   And yep, Kirk will get it right! ;-)


About 4 hours after removing 3 gallons of LL liquid and replacing with 3 gallons of distilled water to reduce the density...

SUC FREAKIN' SUCCESS!!!!  It's a little early, but I have NEVER seen my pink/purple Colossus flow like this!  It's so fluid, reminds me of -- dare I say it -- no, I won't jinx it!

OK, I'm leap frogging now, but hell, I've been through hell.  It's looking really good, guys!

I'm going to sleep good tonight!

Brad - I thought the purple was too bloody dark anyway!!  Thanks so much for your help.  This lamp is now AWESOME!

Brad said:

i agree with this, but it may also work by removing some of the LL liquid and replacing with DI water.  it will dilute the color though, but you can add some neon purple food coloring to get it back the way you like it.

Autumn said:

Refill it with water and add salt to adjust the flow. It is simply not going to work with the original formula.

YIPPEE!!!!   It looks wonderful!!   Sleep well, my friend, job very well done!!!  

AWesome good job never seen a colossus before and tons of people have trouble with there's not flowing

Holy crap, screw sleep, I may stay up all night watching this beauty!  Ok - I'm really excited!

By the way, YA'LL are awesome!  Thanks for hanging with me!

Oh my goodness!!!   I'd be watchin all night too.  Call in sick tomorrow.......

The show is HERE!!!!   No thanks necessary!!

hey, glad you got it flowing!  the flow looks really nice.  a hybrid colossus...who would have thought!

Its awesome very cool

And this hybrid flow reminds me of Giant flow.  I'm not kidding!  This is one interesting and rewarding hobby!

Brad said:

hey, glad you got it flowing!  the flow looks really nice.  a hybrid colossus...who would have thought!

It's 9 hours later and it continues to flow beautifully.  Definitely no stuck flow!  I think I'll give it a rest now, let it cool, then fire it up in a day or two just to make sure it's repeatable.  But I think this Colossus is healed!

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