Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I need someone who knows how to fix rain lamps. The motor isn't running in mine and i have no expertise in these willing to pay for the fix and to have it shipped there!!!

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Sam, I finally saw where it said Tiger Electronics.   I thought the tag had the name like beanie babies do.  I'll put some batteries in him and see if he works.  He is not ruined, just a bit dirty.   Maybe he will like lava too!!!!  And glitter!  
Samantha Gregory said:

I can fix it and i hate seeing furbys ruined. Also they are made by tiger toys company and its not to hard to clean if your me that is and i have beanie babies there awesome

LOl yeah and i like the 2012 furbys jim they do not dissapoint me

Can you show me a photo of the pump and one of the whole lamp?

In some models, the motor windings are partially immersed - oil is fine, but swap it for water and *zzzp* bye-bye motor. A guy on eBay was selling some rain lamp motor/pumps recently.

AHh okay i will get right on to those pics

Thanks Sam but I don't wanna pay someone to fix it. I prefer to do it myself, just need to know how. I will check out the ALOF site. Also the Rainlamp site I referred to before is no more so I couldn't post the link for you. Sorry :(

Samantha Gregory said:

Who isn't i can give you the address of one off my friends who fixes mute furbys and give you as estimate they live in Mexico and also cleans them as well makes them look brand New. If you go on yahoo they have a group called ALOF adult lovers of furbys and I'm joined up with them and so isn't the Person who fixes them. The group is great
That's alright and if i need too I'll post a video up of me opening a furby up so you know how to do it

Coolio :)

Yeah that should help l

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