Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite's New Website & The NEW Heritage Collection


The new Heritage Collection will be available to buy 10/28

**Updated the Heritage Collection will be released today on LavaLite Website at 10am CST. Heres a sneak peak!

*** http://lavalamp.com/heritage-collection ***

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I've seen that, Marley's Ghost. It happens but it's rare.

My Grande has been running for about eight hours. It's absolutely beautiful. It's not in full flow yet, still a bit sluggish, but it's in a slightly chilly room. I'm very happy with it.

I will respectfully disagree with this. We shouldn't be having to have to do this, at all. I don't mind reporting a problem and letting them answer, but to have US do the technical troubleshooting here is the wrong approach to take. They had tech staff (so you said in an earlier message/thread somewhere) and THAT staff should be doing the troubleshooting, not us. I get the feeling they are running these lamps for the first time, too, as we are. 

I bought these lamps expecting them to be trouble-free, beautiful and free of defects. 

I don't mind providing feedback, but THEY need to fix these issues, not us. I really want to see the company succeed, too, but if they want us testing, providing feedback and stats, then they should send us free lamps so we can be guinea pigs BEFORE they release them to the market. That's how product testing works. 

Jim said:

For those experiencing issues with the Centuries I highly recommend an analytical approach to reporting the issue to Lava Lite.  I fully realize that it shouldn't be our job, but think about why you are here to begin with and why you bought lamps from the Heritage collection.  Like me, you love lava lamps.  In that regard, provide feedback to Lava Lite that is actionable and can be recreated.  Yes - I am saying this with over 18 years as a data analyst.  :-)

Hi Jonas, I'm very happy with my Neon Grande, and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Pink Grande.   The Green is flowing flawlessly after over 24 hours and is gorgeous.   Hope the Pink is as beautiful.  

As for the "dome," since you say it's rare, then this must be another abberation going on with the Century lamps.  Most here who purchased the Century see that same dome when the wax cools and hardens in the bottom of the globe.   I think it was Erin who posted a pic of it, and I could post one right now.  Go figure?

Happy you are enjoying your Grande as much as the majority of us are! 


Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

I've seen that, Marley's Ghost. It happens but it's rare.

My Grande has been running for about eight hours. It's absolutely beautiful. It's not in full flow yet, still a bit sluggish, but it's in a slightly chilly room. I'm very happy with it.

Grandes have been running for about 20 hours now... :)

Ummmm, I don't think I implied we would responsible for troubleshooting these ourselves.  I was just encouraging providing better feedback on our experiences with the lamp.

Gwen is a bit freaky in that she keeps her house at like 90 degrees in the winter.  Do you not think that aspect might be an important detail for the engineers to know in terms of how the lamp is misbehaving?

But by all means, if you want to cross your arms sit back and just say "fix it", then just cut your losses, save the aggravation and request a refund.  I suppose my plea went out to those of us excited by the Heritage line, with the chance that if they do well, we may see more added.   

Erin said:

I will respectfully disagree with this. We shouldn't be having to have to do this, at all. I don't mind reporting a problem and letting them answer, but to have US do the technical troubleshooting here is the wrong approach to take. They had tech staff (so you said in an earlier message/thread somewhere) and THAT staff should be doing the troubleshooting, not us. I get the feeling they are running these lamps for the first time, too, as we are. 

I bought these lamps expecting them to be trouble-free, beautiful and free of defects. 

I don't mind providing feedback, but THEY need to fix these issues, not us. I really want to see the company succeed, too, but if they want us testing, providing feedback and stats, then they should send us free lamps so we can be guinea pigs BEFORE they release them to the market. That's how product testing works. 

Jim said:

For those experiencing issues with the Centuries I highly recommend an analytical approach to reporting the issue to Lava Lite.  I fully realize that it shouldn't be our job, but think about why you are here to begin with and why you bought lamps from the Heritage collection.  Like me, you love lava lamps.  In that regard, provide feedback to Lava Lite that is actionable and can be recreated.  Yes - I am saying this with over 18 years as a data analyst.  :-)

Those look so lovely together, Erin, and flowing beautifully!   Looks like Christmas!!   I'm still waiting on my Pink..... :(  
Erin said:

Grandes have been running for about 20 hours now... :)

Gosh, Lala, I'm not sure.   I know they do on Ebay, but not sure if all websites accept it.   I'll try to find out for you.  :)
lalalava said:

anyone know if LL excepts 'Bill Me Later' through the web site?

My wizard domed as it cools (every time I run it) and my pink grande will dome at the bottom once I've turned it of from running in a dimmed (I like columns) state.

I am running the wizard for 24+ hours at a time and am finally starting to see signs of more interesting flow.  The fact that I can run it continuously and not have it overheat, confirms my thought that the new (?) wax is very temperature sensitive, probably too much so, and may be part of the problem with the centuries.

At least they seemed to have gotten the grandes correct.  Anyone think that the dye in the neon colors may be affecting the wax as well?

Yes, all of those details are important, but it should be THEM asking US for these details. My point was this: this is THEIR product and THEY should be the ones doing the trouble-shooting. If they don't have the right people asking the right questions, they won't get to the bottom of the issue. I see it as a problem that we're the experts. It seems like they should be the experts, right? It's their product and we have to be the one to gather and collect all this data for them, and they don't even think to ask for it, well, it's not something I want to mess with. 

To each their own. I think it's great if you want to help them out. But many of us were hoping these lamps would just be good to go right out of the box and are disappointed. 

I did ask for a refund on my Century and will seek it out if the bulb Susan sends doesn't work. We shouldn't have to troubleshoot (or send extensive data for) our own lamps when Neons from Spencer's work fine at half the cost. They should have sorted all this out before they shipped this Heritage line. I wanted to see the Heritage line succeed as much as you did, and was likely one of the first people to make a purchase. I spent over $300 on these lamps and I think we can all agree, I'm passionate about lava lamps. What I have no interest in is helping a company fix something they should have tested before their product hit the market. It's not like they've never made a lava lamp before. And it's not like they don't have engineers. 

Jim said:

Ummmm, I don't think I implied we would responsible for troubleshooting these ourselves.  I was just encouraging providing better feedback on our experiences with the lamp.

Gwen is a bit freaky in that she keeps her house at like 90 degrees in the winter.  Do you not think that aspect might be an important detail for the engineers to know in terms of how the lamp is misbehaving?

But by all means, if you want to cross your arms sit back and just say "fix it", then just cut your losses, save the aggravation and request a refund.  I suppose my plea went out to those of us excited by the Heritage line, with the chance that if they do well, we may see more added.   

Sweet Lala!  Seein as to how the "tomato" is Tennessee's state fruit, I'll just say I'm from GA, since I want to be a peach.....LOL

From what I can find, Lala, it is the decision of each company on whether they will accept the BML option, even if they take Paypal.   The website is supposed to have a banner saying BML is available.   I'll go look and see if I can see one on the LL site.   I didn't notice at the time I was on there.  

EDIT:   On LL's site it says that "All payments must be made with Paypal or Paypal approved options.  But it does not say "which" options that includes, nor does it specifically mention BLM.   UGH   I'll keep looking, Lala!!
lalalava said:

thanks Libs! your a peach ;)

Marley's Ghost said:

Gosh, Lala, I'm not sure.   I know they do on Ebay, but not sure if all websites accept it.   I'll try to find out for you.  :)
lalalava said:

anyone know if LL excepts 'Bill Me Later' through the web site?

I see your point Jim, I also wanted the heritage line to do well so they'd add more. But it didn't do well, it was close to a failure except for the grandes that saved the day kind of. I'd like to see more "heritage" lamps but there's no point if they're gonna be like these, it's almost a slap across the face.

Glad you're back, Ben!

Ben said:

So after reading 67 pages, I ordered pink and green Grandes. I couldn't wait for Christmas (sorry, wife!) All this talk about the Centuries sounds exactly like my P/Y Colossus, which is collecting dust until I kit it. The red clear Colossus has been running for weeks (months?) and it is still gorgeous. It's getting cold outside again, so it's Lava season again at my house! (Lava auxilliary heating!)  I'll be back on OG much more often now. 

But anyway, I'm hoping for the best with these Grandes.  As for the rest of the Heritage line, I'll pass. I don't need to relive my Colossus headaches all over again.  

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