Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anybody recognize this dinosaur themed lava lamp?

It was being sold online secondhand, and I couldn't tell if it was a unique oddity, or a poorly made / generic lamp from overseees.

Any ideas about its rarity or value?

It's pretty cool looking with a volcano on top and red lava. I'm not sure what the asking price is/was.

Any help would be awesome!!

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It's a generic lamp, also known as a "Hot Rock".  In terms of the generics the flow is not bad and they don't seem to cloud up a ton.

I've seen plenty of these selling on craigslist

Thanks for the help everybody!!

Not really a Hot Rock, those came later - just a generic Chinese import, probably from the late 90s-mid 00s. I've seen many, many themes: dinosaurs, aliens, dolphins, 60s symbols, even some cartoon character models. If you don't mind round globs and you like the base design, go for it.

Hot Rock Lites were sold by big stores like Target, and they have a very distinctive shape. The boxes described "hot rock," "molten earth," basically every term they could think of to say lava without saying "lava." It was almost like them thumbing their nose at LL's copyrights. Hot Rocks only came in two lava colors that I've ever seen: yellow/purple and yellow/blue. These imports with decorated resin bases and caps tended to have clear liquid and a theme-matching lava color.

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