Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A Note on the Kaildo-Lite - Att: Hippie Light Administrators

I noticed in the description on Hippie Light that they say the globes on these were plastic. They're not. They're glass. The motion lamp version has a hole in the top, whilte the multi-bulb version does not. Just thought I should mention it for accuracy.

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Howdy ant. -

I'm out of town for the next week, but I'll take some pics when I get back. I actually have both types. I don't know anything about a storage box. I have the lamp, but no packaging. They both have glass globes. The spinner model has a very small hole in the top (I'm assuming to let air out). The one with the stationary bulbs does not have the hole, but has the same exact glass globe. When off, they look identical.

I also have a strange VERY SIMILAR 3rd lamp that has an orange metal base that looks like a flower-pot with a glass mushroom shaped glass globe with the spinner in it. I have never seen another one of these and have no idea who made it.

I'll take pics of all of them when I'm back and will post 'em.
The orange-based mushroom one is shown in the large book (c. 1996 or so) on motion lamps. They don't identify a maker either.

The catalog page for the Kaleido-Lite claims a 7" plastic globe. It describes the operating principle as the non-moving type, with colored lights blinking through a patterned matrix. I believe someone on here (or a former member) has a plastic globe model with the heat spinner.

The Silver Spinner is (correct me please if you have one, Bryin) blinking bulbs AND heat spinner its ads claim it has the blinking lights shining through a matrix, but adds that the matrix revolves for what the catalog colorfully describes as "a mind-grabbing effect"

I love the color text used to sell the Kaleido-Lite to dealers, though: "Ripe for the 'in crowd' and in for the ripe crowd!" Wonder who wrote THAT?

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