Look what this (link below) sold for. It wasn't even an auction, it was buy it now, or best offer! I'll be checking ebay more often now. I would have paid the price of the lamp plus a shipping amount the seller couldn't resist.
Views: 276
Dig a little further. Click on the sellers feedback number and you will see the buyer wrote a comment saying that the seller withdrew on the deal.
I guarantee you, that when the seller found out how much that Lunar was actually worth, he made it a point to find a spot for it in his new home.
I swore there was a white fluidium on there last night for over $200...now I can't find it. Was it the one you pictured above, or did they pull theres maybe.
there was an opal fluidium on ebay for $300 that someone actually bid on today and won in the last few seconds of the auction. BIN was $900 LOL
Wow if I had seen that Lunar it would have been worth the 6hr + round trip and gas !!!
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Brent Wallace |
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The Lamp Caretaker |
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dave p. |
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Larry |
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Carl |
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Liz Robbins |
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Autumn |
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Orangeslices57 |
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