Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a few lamps that are low on fluid and I'd like these

to be donor/experimentation globes.

I know I can use distilled water to top them off and

pickling salt to change the specific gravity. 

One globe (52oz) is maybe 5oz low and the 32oz will

take less than a shot (1oz) of distilled water.

I'd like to add the salt to the water, but at what rate

of saturation ?

Can I bring the lamps up to temp and then just slowly

add the grains of salt and see what happens ? or, do I

make a solution of dissolved salt/water and replace a few

ounce's at a time ?

I'd rather go slow than over do it.

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I used to get my propylene glycol from like a farm animal veterinary supply website

It's pure propylene glycol 100%


They use this for cattle or farm animals, 100% mixture.  They have it in stock

locally so I will pick some up and dilute with distilled water accordingly. I think it's

30 parts glycol to 70 parts distilled water. 

I got mine from Ebay but as others have said agriculture shops sell and probably in bulk so would probably be cheaper

Joanne said:

hey tim where did you get your PG ?

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