Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am looking for a clear silver glitter 32oz . I know kirk does glitter but not silver ( thanks for your contribution to lava history kirk !  lol ) I dont have loads to spend on this but please shoot me a message if you have one you can part with .

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I believe Kirk uses silver glitter in his multi color glitter.

He should be able to make clear liquid with only silver flakes in it.

You should ask him about it as this would be a very popular glitter color to offer - gold too!

i think he only uses multi glitter

Jo, Kirk does use silver glitter and a clear/silver would be no problem.

i still cant afford his wonderful glitter liquid prices

Yes, I use clear liquid and I can dye it red, blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and teal.  In these dyed liquids, I use silver hexagonal, holographic, solvent resistant glitter.

In the clear liquid, I can add silver, gold, red, blue, purple, and orange hexagonal glitter.  I'll eventually expand my glitter options, but I've been very focused on getting the liquid formula right for fast glitter flow with 15w, 25w, and 40w bulbs.

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