Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was wondering if when making a vodka lava lamp, do u need a coil at the bottom to boost the heat transfer or it can be forgo. If the coil is needed, anyone has any idea where to get those type of coils?

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As far as i'm aware, you deffo need a coil of some sort, it isn't just there for heat transfer, it allows the wax to merge back together, as the coil breaks the surface tension. if you didn't have one, it would just sit in a big blob.

People have made their own coils, out of stainless wire wrapped around and around say, a thin pencil etc, but a very easy way would be to rob one from another lamp (i think) as long as the lamp is no good anymore.
Hi Lucy,

Thanks for the reply. Just curious if i were to rob another coil from other lamp, would there be one that could fit right into the large base area of a vodka bottle? I've played with some of the coils from other lamps before they are kind of elastic kind and very flexible, thus will those rigid normal stainless wire work?? If it does, may i ask if how u could squeeze it into the bottle...
Hi again

as Dr What says below, if you are using wax/fluid from another lamp, you could rob that coil.

To be honest, i don't know how big your vodka bottle is. I would have thought that if you use the very flexible ones, it would be possible to use say 2, and break them open and attach them to each other, thus making a much larger coil, if you see what i mean.

I would have no idea how to get a rigid one in. I've never made one myself.

Good luck, and hopefully we'll see some pics along the way of you making it.
it might be nice to take pictures of each part as you make it, as many people on here would like to see the process you go through.


Thanks everybody for their help. I am actually making everything from scratch including the base for a project of mine. I was thinking of making a 260oz one but am not very sure of the specifications, like the watt of the light bulb and what materials should the base be made of (maybe aluminium or stainless steel). I should be able to get the assistance of the workshop in my university, thus can anyone kindly point me in the right direction...

sorry my vodka bottle is only 700mL, would adding 200mL of wax be sufficient?

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