Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Tilted Wax & Coil - How to get them to settle into base of globe?

My new 52 oz Lava Lite arrived today, but the delivery service left it laying on its side on my front porch, so I found the wax floating loose in the globe. I tried to get it to settle properly into the base of the globe by tilting it and swirling it gently, but was unsuccessful. I'm nervous about cycling it on and off for fear the wax might separate from the coil. What is the recommended technique for getting the wax to fall back into its proper place?

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I think it would be ok to heat it up- if the coil doesnt find its right position when the wax is melted you can help it into place with a strong magnet- I did this with my fluidium and it worked like a charm

And while the wax is hard, there is no harm in gentle shaking or tilting the bottle to get the hunk to settle into the proper place.  I had to do this after I brought my Midnight home after it traveled in the car with me.

Just turn it on. Everything should settle into place.

But without the coil on the bottom it can take a while to correct itself.  My Midnight used to flip the coil when the wax first warmed up and it took forever to finish warming up after that.  It will work to just turn it on, but be prepared to give it some extra time to correct itself.  That's been my experience anyway.

Alfred said:

Just turn it on. Everything should settle into place.

Thanks for the great tips!  I am pleased to report that the problem has been resolved. I decided to try to swirl the fluid one more time. But this time, I laid the bottle on it's side and slowly rolled it until I could see that the wax chunk was floating free and not sticking to the side of the globe. Then I immediately lifted the globe into an upright position. And, voila!, the wax chunk settled down into its proper position. Now my lamp is working perfectly and is absolutely stunning. And I'm a very happy camper! 

Very cool Mmm! It is a very pretty globe, clear as a whistle!  You should post some pictures of it in motion!

OooooO that sure is purdy! Those colors are beautiful! Thanks for posting the flow Mmm!

Yep, yep, yep...she sure is a purdy one.  It's hard to chose a favorite, but if I were forced to do so, I'd probably pick this one.

That is a perfect cobalt blue

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