Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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I wondered that too Jim, but that base looks round with pierced holes to me.  That's why I think it's a wizard, it's just too hard to get a good look

Stu is AWESOME Carol! That would be a pretty cool super power, kinda gross but AWESOME!!! ALL ABOARD!!!

Break of the century! I bet if a bird flew by at the right angle, just as it was tipping over, that shed would have been done for.



Once you go in, you may never come back out

You start to see the lines

You may now...

Just kidding, Don't do that, my apologies if you did.

Great set!

I want those shoes, lol!!!!!

I'll just put this here (Erin made this one)


Carol Morrow said:


Those are some hot shoes Carol, I may go back in and re-loop a little smoother. Smooth shoes need to have a smooth animation!

We have been sleeping on the job...

Too much weird beauty to NOT post it!! Jump on in!


Swimming in COLOR!

It is consuming

and just works.

but sometimes it doesn't... though it still does.

This post will now self d...ahh you know what it does.

Frothing drinks and burritos for the road!

Keep on wandering, be sure to have happy little accidents!

As always VOXul, great post!!!  I really admire the odd, the different!!!  Where on earth do you find this stuff??!!!  Oh well, it doesn't matter, you're sharing!!  lol!!  Um, gotta say, the wax guy without the crotch parts coming through my computer screen was a bit frightening.......NOT!!!!  Really cool!!  I especially liked the giant burrito!!!! 

Why thank ya Carol! I have amassed a collection over the years of internet shenanigans, I slowly pick a bundle out or mash things together. All while putting it in some kind of order on this drive, haha. Kind of like digital hoarding I suppose, it all just takes up space and there is s#!T everywhere! That white mannequin looking guy kinda spooked me the other day too. I started paying attention right at the beginning still frame and it was the only animated object on the page, haha

Carol Morrow said:

As always VOXul, great post!!!  I really admire the odd, the different!!!  Where on earth do you find this stuff??!!!  Oh well, it doesn't matter, you're sharing!!  lol!!  Um, gotta say, the wax guy without the crotch parts coming through my computer screen was a bit frightening.......NOT!!!!  Really cool!!  I especially liked the giant burrito!!!! 

Great again VOXul!!  Really love the Bob Ross/Han Solo 

(Just bought a 1T hard-drive to take with me when I travel so more downloads, here we come!)

Thank you Keith!  I do enjoy that Solo Ross as well, love the concerned look on his face, just put a happy little hyper drive module here... YESSSSS the 1T will hold lots of goodies, collect all the things on the platters of stuffs!!

Keith said:

Great again VOXul!!  Really love the Bob Ross/Han Solo 

(Just bought a 1T hard-drive to take with me when I travel so more downloads, here we come!)

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