Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have what I belive is a elek-trick style lamp, purple base, purple wax/clear liquid. I had it on a few days ago and to my disbelief when I came back to my desk all I could watch was my brother knocking it off my desk while it was fully melted/running. After picking up the globe the whole thing was solid purple and took hours for the wax to settle but now the clear liquid is not so much now. Is there any way to save this lamp w/o changing the liquid? The wax still flows but seems to get stuck at the top. Thanks in advance.

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just let it run as usual and it should clear up over time.

Luckily it's not a china manufactured lamp.  Those almost never clear.  At least mine didn't and from what I've learned on here most don't.  My blue swirl which was shipped to me from an ebay win did arrive pretty hazy.  I guess due to it being shipped during one of our heat waves down here in the south, it warmed it up and was shook around.  It did take about a week of running it about 8 hours on and off until around 6 at night, then off at 2 a.m., but it is almost perfect now.  I would give it a chance, let it settle down for a full 24 hours is what the gal at LL told me.  This way all the minuscule pieces of wax will settle.  Then after the 24 she told me to "burst" it.  8 on and 8 off.  Now of course this was for my china neon which needless to say I am going to regoo, but it should work for your usa lamp.

Thanks for the replys, would it be safe to use heat on the top side of the bottle to melt the wax off that is stuck above the liquid line?

You could try a higher wattage bulb until the wax melts, then revert back to the original bulb you are using, or my favorite technique, a blow dryer on a high setting.

The bottle should get warm enough all over to melt the wax through normal operation.

Seems to get a little better but it is still far from crystal clear. Went to kmart today and they had classic 14.5 inch lava lamps on sale at $7.50 so my brother picked me up a 2125, silver base, yellow wax, purple liquid (made in china)  will try and get this pic of my 2 next to each other.

Matthew....I think that lamp will clear cycle it six to eight hours on and off repeatedly....will probably be clear in a month.

I think it will clear too.  My blue swirl had a pretty nice haze throughout it, and now it's crystal clear.  If you look at some of my pics from when I first got it, and I look at it now I'm like WOW what a difference.  It didn't take long either.  I run mine from 6 pm until 2 am every nite and that seemed to clear it.  Kmart had classics that cheap??  I thought I got mine at a steal at 8.79!!!  I just might have to run over there and get me one now that my goo kit is on it's way, lol!!!

I have been running it 8 hours on, 8 off. When I checked the kmart site they were not on sale but the local store has them on sale. I think it was normaly $15 and on sale at $7.50. I am tempted to get the silver base, black wax, clear liquid I saw. I just noticed that picture shows the new one as almost a pink colored wax but with the light on its yellow on the bottom and as the wax flows its more of a blood red.

Matthew, as I commented I got my classic clear/black on sale at kmart for 8.79.  Couldn't stand the boring china flow, opened it up, changed the fluid, it kept clouding up really bad.  So after about 4 fluid changes, it's ok, still hazy, still back to the same boring flow, so guess what?  I ordered my first gookit and i'm gookitting it.  I'm thinking of going with red this time.  The black isn't doing anything for me all of a sudden.  I think i'm just tired of tinkering with it, lol!!! 


Give the dropped lamp some time.  It took my swirl when it came to me shipped a good month to clear.  Also, a good sign is that your lava is still in pretty good shape.  I've seen lamps that were shaken that had bean bag beans shaped lava all thoughout the lamps.  Like hundreds!!!

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