Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a vintage blue and green lava lamp. Recently my son knocked it over and the cap cracked :( thankfully not much liquid was lost. But now the lava lamp is very cloudy where before it waa crystal clear. Any one have any suggestions or tips please help!!

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Try to repair the cap, glue, sanding, paint, etc. Run the lamp on a timer 8 hours on and 8 hours off around the clock for multiple weeks and it will likely clear.

Welcome to the forum.
Thank you! Great idea with the sanding and paint I already glued the cap back together but I didnt even think of that! I will try your idea of cycling the time on and off the lava is still flowing nicely so hopefully that will take care of the cloudy issue. Thanks so much for you help! :)

I agree with Critter, have cleared milkshake globes to crystal clear with just running the lamp. I believe I read in another thread that someone had used the cap off of these tiny paint jars as a replacement screw cap, make your own topper kind of project. Welcome as well, hope your lamp flows on!

One of my vintage lamps arrived from shipping cloudy in the course of the summer heat.  It's crystal clear now and it only took a few weeks of cycling. 

Just posting a update its been a couple weeks and has already started to clear up some. I'm very hopeful in the next couple weeks it will be crystal clear again. Thank you everyone for your help!!

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