Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

How to deal with wax that accumulates and sticks at the top of globes?

A couple of my lamps have a tendency when turned on for the wax to get stuck up at the top in a big blob. How do I fix this?

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Are they overheating?  Sometimes if they get too hot, they will detach from the coil completely and kind of just float around in space until they finally sink to the bottom again........

Sorry for the delay.


It did this out of the box and continues to do it after multiple liquid replacement attempts.

Looks like the wax is too hot.  Try using a dimmer or a lower wattage bulb.

Well, I'm with Keith as to it does look like an overheating issue.  Don't know how it can be overheating right out of the box unless it has a higher wattage bulb in it then is required.  So you say you changed the fluid?  Did you add anything to the fluid to get it to flow?  If so, you could have added too much of a surfactant (there are a few of choice) causing all of the wax to detach from the coil.  How long are you running the lamp approx. b4 this happens?

i agree with keith.  she's getting too hot.

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