Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Have a 70s/80s 52 blue/white.  The wax looked like someone emptied the workshop dustpan into it.  I did a boil/filter to no avail - the old wax was shot.  So I made up some new wax to put in the old liquid.

I used paraffin from the grocery store (Albertons's) and brakeleen per instructions here.  IT works.  Heats up and cycles - its a bit weird on first melt - chunky and very active - and it solidifies at the top again where the globe is cool, but it works and flows reasonably well after it fully heats up.

Question #1 - the paraffin is clear.  I added some color and so it is now translucent.  Looks pretty cool but the light does not get bounced at all - it goes through everything to the cap.  I like the more opaque wax that bounces the light out the sides of the lamp.

I'd like to see it a bit less translucent and a bit more towards opaque.  Any experience with additives that might work?

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Translucent wax is common for first runs.  Not sure what it might need if it stays translucent.

Fully warmed up on a 60W.  Think it needs a little surf?

Maybe more perc to make the wax heavier.

rxter said:

Fully warmed up on a 60W.  Think it needs a little surf?

Added a squirt of perc. Much better. A bit heavy but should work well after a little perc cooks off. If not ill add a smidge of wax.

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