Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone found a good source for replacement coils?  I've been looking around for a while, but I have not found anything I  really like.

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Naaaa, still messing with the stainless steel bracelet coil and the stainless steel lint filters that I cut down.  Other then that, nothing.  I'm getting kind of turned on to glitter now.  Real treat for the eyes.  Different then lava.  Although I still like to zone out watching the ebb and flow of the lava, the glitter is a different type of treat.  Good part of glitter.  Fast start up times and you don't need a coil.  As you know I've scored a few wizzies but i'm still on the hunt for some home made stuff.  Was thinking of buying a few of those 5.00 5 below store glitters and use them for fills.  Gonna buy one tomorrow and see what the glitter does.  Might be weak....i'll see....news at 11....

I've never tried this before but it should work, but if you were to buy a spool of stainless steel wire they use for making  fashion bracelets or some wire that is flexible like welding wire. Just cut a piece and wrap it around a pencil really tight that should form a coil then just connect the ends.


That's a great idea Dr. What.  I've got some 20, and 24 gauge on the way.  :)


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