Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Glad this wasn't a Giant or Colossus....


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damn thats a retarded creature there! in fact he is an insult to everything carrying around some sort of brain...I'd really like to punch him and usually I never ever hit people

Youtube can be for morons!!!  They had one vid "let's see what happens when you put an iphone in a lava lamp"??  Like, really?  Who gives a bleep......like don't you have anything better to do then wonder what happens when you throw stuff in a lava lamp??  Can you say stupid?   Why not go to school and take up a course so you can learn something better to do with your time because you obviously have too much of it on your hands, lol!!!

I saw that one Carol. At the end, he dumps the entire lamp out on his patio. I can't even understand what was going through his mind when he did that.

Aluminum? Why not molten glass, or thermite, or potassium? (Well, I guess the latter are a little harder to get a hold of.) Still fairly predictable, but at least there would be some fireworks, so to speak.

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